
  • 网络The Red Lantern
  1. 张艺谋则代之以红灯笼,它作为一种载体既存在于故事中,又与人物的命运相关。

    Zhang Yimou takes " red lantern " as a thread of the story , relating to fates of figures .

  2. 红灯笼是陈家宅院里欢娱、恩宠、情爱、荣耀的象征,它代表着全部的“幸福”;

    " Red lantern " is a token for enjoyment , charity , love and glory , representing all meanings of happiness ;

  3. 观看这些红灯笼是主要的传统之一。

    Watching the red lanterns is one of the main traditions .

  4. 店铺由工厂改造而来,房梁露在外面,悬挂着优雅的红灯笼,这里供应冰镇堡林爵香槟(Bollinger),上菜时会敲一下锣。

    Set in a renovated factory with exposed beams and elegant red lanterns , this is the kind of place that has Bollinger on ice and a gong to announce the arrival of your bird .

  5. 红灯笼挂满柳枝。

    Red lanterns are hung here and there on willow trees .

  6. 在失意的痛苦中,二太太将满院的红灯笼撕得粉粹。

    Frustrated in agony , she tears all the red lanterns in the courtyard .

  7. 红红的石榴,像红灯笼。

    Red pomegranate , like red lantern .

  8. 麦积山西门外不远处,有一个点缀着迎宾红灯笼的小村。

    Near the western entrance to Maijishan , the village of Houchuan is decked in welcoming red lanterns .

  9. 他们在意大利餐厅伴着红灯笼,吃意式月饼、喝饮料。

    They ate Italian style moon cake with a glass of sparkling wine in an Italian restaurant with red lanterns .

  10. 这里有上百个摊位沿街道一侧一字排开,一线红灯笼高高挂起,光线明亮。

    There are hundreds of stalls lining one side of the street , brightly lit with a line of red lanterns .

  11. 威海公园两旁的树上挂满了红灯笼,好像是在欢迎我们来看花灯。

    Red lanterns were hung on the trees along the roads in Weihai Park as if they were welcoming the visitors .

  12. 中国中央电视台播放画面显示:建筑被毁坏,到处是碎片和红灯笼,警察在混乱的街上指挥交通秩序。

    China Central Television showed damaged buildings with debris and red lanterns lying around as police officers directed traffic on a chaotic street .

  13. 你好。真漂亮,为什么有这么多的红灯笼和彩灯?

    B : Good evening . It 's so beautiful here tonight . Look at these red lanterns and colorful lights . Why ?

  14. 我喜欢在春风中踏过窄窄的山径,草莓像个精致的红灯笼,一路殷勤地张结着。

    I love to saunter in the spring breeze on a narrow mountain path bedecked with strawberries growing graciously like delicate red lanterns .

  15. 他是“红灯笼”,总成绩在所有骑手中垫底,比第一名文森佐·尼巴里慢了4小时13分。

    He is the Lanterne Rouge , the rider in the last position over all , 4 hours 13 minutes behind the leader , Vincenzo Nibali .

  16. 它们比绿灯笼椒含有11倍更多的β-胡萝卜素。此外,绿灯笼椒能提供你每日所需维C的60%,而红灯笼椒能给你240%。

    They contain 11 times more beta-carotene than green bell peppers , and while the green variety delivers 60 percent of the recommended daily value of vitamin C , red gives you 240 percent .

  17. 晚上,家家户户在门口挂上红灯笼,驱除霉运,所有家庭成员则围坐一桌吃年夜饭。

    In the evening , every household hangs red lanterns at the entrance to drive away bad luck and all the family members get together around the table for a New Year 's Eve dinner .

  18. 中国传统的颜色常识认为,红色常与中国结、红灯笼等事物联系在一起,代表热情、性感等意义;蓝色与蓝天、大海等事物相联系,代表平静、忧郁等意义。

    In Chinese traditional color sense , the red is often related with red Chinese knot , red lanterns and other things , meaning warm , sexy ; the blue is related with blue sky , sea , on behalf of peace , melancholy meaning .

  19. 这是我们在北京的第二个中国新年。我们喜欢看这个伟大节日所展示的所有喜庆红灯笼和烟花。而且我们知道这是一个与家人团聚,与亲朋好友享受节日盛宴的非常特殊的时刻。

    This is our second Chinese New Year in Beijing , we love seeing all the festive red lanterns and firework displays as part of this great holiday , and we know that this is a really special time to reunite with family and to enjoy holiday meals with friends and loved ones .

  20. 这是这些孩子第三次用红纸做灯笼。

    This is the third time for the boy to make lanterns with red paper .

  21. 这个老头又把消息传给左邻右舍,不久城里的穷人都知道了,家家买红纸扎灯笼。

    Then the old man spread the news in the neighborhood and soon the poor people throughout the city began to make lanterns with red paper .

  22. 这时水面上接连地浮起了红绿色的小灯笼。

    Little red and green lanterns began to appear , floating on the lake , one after another .

  23. 蓝天与地毯、红柱子、红灯笼及红旗等造成强烈的对比,并增加了节日的喜庆气氛。

    The blue sky and the red carpet , pillars , lanterns and flags formed a big contrast in color to add to the celebratory and festival atmosphere .