
méi lán zhú jú
  • plum blossoms, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum
梅兰竹菊[méi lán zhú jú]
  1. 用电烙铁生产的梅兰竹菊,美丽非凡。

    Meilan electric iron production of bamboo flowers , so beautiful .

  2. 中国古典诗人与梅兰竹菊

    Plum blossoms , Orchids , and Chrysanthemums in the eyes of Chinese classical Poets

  3. 梅兰竹菊是中国历代文人墨客所喜好的花中精品。

    Merlin bamboo chrysanthemum is the flower of ancient men of letters are preferred in the boutique .

  4. 没有复杂的功能,也没有繁琐的设计,淡雅的传达梅兰竹菊的诗意与画意,足以令人陶醉不已。

    Without complex functions or tedious design , only the simple and elegant poetic & painting flavour can make people revel in it .