
  1. 摩西表示:我们也许还有一年左右的好时光。摩西与他的同事梅建平共同编制了梅摩艺术品指数(MeiMoses)。

    We may still have a year or so more to run , says Mr Moses , who with his colleague Jianping Mei compiles the Mei Moses art index .

  2. 经济学家梅建平和迈克尔摩西(MichaelMoses)在一份有关1955年至2004年艺术品价格的研究报告中发出了警告,称投资者不应过度痴迷于大师作品,他们需要谨防出价过高。

    Jianping Mei and Michael Moses , the economists , warned in one study of art prices between 1955 and 2004 that investors should not be obsessive [ about ] masterpieces and they need to guard against overbidding .

  3. 长江商学院教授梅建平说,这会使中国的经济发展走上一条可持续的道路。

    ' This would put China 's economic development on a more sustainable path , 'says Mei Jianping , a professor at the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business in Beijing .