
méi kāi èr dù
  • scored twice;marry for the second time; reach another prime; score twice in a match
  1. 临近中场休息时,哈迪曼差点梅开二度。

    As half time neared , Hardyman almost scored twice

  2. 罗马队长在昨天下午进行的罗马3:0战胜帕尔玛的比赛中梅开二度

    The talismanic captain scored twice yesterday afternoon as Roma beat Parma 3-0 at the Stadio Tardini .

  3. J罗在对阵乌拉圭的比赛中梅开二度,助哥伦比亚2:0淘汰对手挺进八强,他也创造了自己的历史。

    Rodriguez then made history when he scored twice in the 2-0 win over Uruguay , ensuring Colombia qualified for the quarter-finals of a FIFA World Cup for the first time .

  4. 而知名企业KKR的成功也让克莱蒙特。麦肯纳这个著名的文理学院梅开二度。

    Claremont McKenna , a highly regarded , Liberal Arts College also has two spots , due to the success of private equity firm KKR .

  5. 在开普敦绿点球场内,蒂亚戈梅开二度。

    Tiago scored twice at the Green Point Stadium in Cape Town .

  6. 在机舱梅开二度,保证高附加刚度来应付侧向。

    A brace in the engine compartment guarantees additional rigidity to cope with higher lateral forces .

  7. 消费贷款保证保险业务在我国可谓是梅开二度。

    Consumer loan guarantee insurance business in our country it is " scored two goals " .

  8. 下半场刚开始,奥贝坦几乎就梅开二度。

    Within seconds of the start of the second half , Obertan almost grabbed a second .

  9. 精神分析学在中国梅开二度之时,对新时期小说也产生了深刻的影响。

    This time the influence of psychoanalysis is deep and far , especially is New period novels .

  10. 上周他在与立陶宛的比赛中梅开二度还罚失一个点球错过上演帽子戏法的机会。

    Last week Villa scored twice against Liechtenstein but missed a penalty to post a hat trick .

  11. 梅西的梅开二度和博扬的入球帮助加泰罗尼亚的球队在两回合的比赛中以总比分5:1取胜。

    Two goals from Lionel Messi and one from Bojan earnt the Catalan side the5-1 aggregate win .

  12. 桂丽在三分钟后接艾丽莎巴托丽的传球完成了梅开二度。

    Gueli wrapped it up with her second three minutes later , turning home Elisa Bartoli 's cross .

  13. 当时伊恩·拉什和格雷米·索内斯双双梅开二度,另外两球则来自于肯尼·达格利什和罗尼·惠兰。

    Ian Rush and Graeme Souness each scored twice with the others coming from Kenny Dalglish and Ronnie Whelan .

  14. 前锋进球了,这总是一件好事。我很开心能梅开二度帮助了球队。

    He continued : 'It is always nice for a striker to score and I was happy to get a couple and help the team .

  15. 周二晚上对利兹梅开二度让人们开始就这个失落的英格兰球星争论。

    Two goals – the second , a pearl – at Leeds on Tuesday night started the first of two debates about lost England stars .

  16. 周三,凭借亨利开场面后不久的梅开二度,巴萨以5比2战胜了里昂,进入了欧冠八强。

    A quickfire Thierry Henry double spurred Barcelona on to a5-2 rout of Olympique Lyon and a place in the Champions League quarter-finals on Wednesday .

  17. 约翰尼·德普则凭借着《加勒比海盗:世界尽头》和《理发师陶德》梅开二度同时获得了最佳喜剧表演奖同最佳反面人物奖。

    Johnny Depp accepted trophies for best comedic performance for Pirates of the Caribbean : At World 's End and for best villain for Sweeney Todd .

  18. 法国队凭借戈武的梅开二度和亨利的进球3:1战胜意大利,报了世界杯决赛的一箭之仇。

    France took revenge for their World Cup final defeat to Italy asles bleus won3-1 courtesy of two goals from Sydney Govou and one from Thierry Henry .

  19. 对阵伊朗时,他在补时阶段的进球将阿根廷队送进16强,之后又在与尼日利亚的比赛中梅开二度,确保阿根廷3:2淘汰对手。

    He scored late on against Iran to send the team through to the Round of 16 and then added two in the 3-2 win over Nigeria .

  20. 但是在比赛中,当马拉多纳接着又梅开二度时,人们对上帝之手进球的怀疑又变成了敬畏。

    But during the game , sceptical disbelief in the " hand of God " goal soon turned to awe as Maradona went on to score again .

  21. 穆里尼奥周末观察了费耶诺德球星的比赛,他在球员4:2胜川迪的比赛中梅开二度--他在30场联赛中已经进了15球。

    Jose Mourinho watched the Feyenoord ace in action at the weekend and he scored twice in a4-2win over Twente enschede-taking his tally to15 goals in30 League games .

  22. 上赛季节礼日主场3比0完胜快马里埃拉首开纪录,罗比-基恩梅开二度,这也是他俱乐部的最后进球。

    Last season Albert Riera scored the first goal in the3-0 home win over Wanderers on Boxing Day with Robbie Keane scoring twice-his final goals for the club .

  23. 北爱尔兰国脚也在这场2-0的胜利中用梅开二度打开了自己在预备队的进球账户,没有完成帽子戏法有点不走运。

    The Northern Ireland international also broke his duck at second-string level with both goals in the2-0 win and was a little unlucky not to claim a remarkable hat-trick .

  24. “这比去年这时候好多拉,我已经成功地说服他(按我的指挥做?)”在对阵柏林赫塔梅开二度后,穆里尼奥如是说。

    " It is much better than last year at this time . I 've managed to persuade him ," said the Portuguese after Benzema 's double against Hertha Berlin .

  25. 库伊特在上周击败英超第四争夺对手热刺中梅开二度,他成为主要疑虑的焦点,所以主教练在周一召开狼队赛前新闻发布会所说。

    Kuyt was the two-goal hero as Liverpool beat top-four rivals Tottenham last week and was the subject of several questions as the gaffer gave his pre-Wolves press conference on Monday .

  26. 弗格森爵士赞扬射手欧文“不可思议”,他在曼联3-0战胜利兹的联赛杯上梅开二度。

    Sir Alex Ferguson has hailed striker Michael Owen 's " unbelievable " scoring ratio after his two goals helped Manchester United to a3-0 win over Leeds United in the Carling Cup .

  27. 上个月在安菲尔德0:1惜败狼队以后,这次利物浦凭借金童的梅开二度和梅花的世界波,拿下了这场引人注目的胜利。

    Two goals from Fernando Torres and a world-class effort from Raul Meireles sealed an emphatic triumph , a little under a month after Wolves had stunned Anfield with a1-0 success in December .

  28. 在周三晚上客场击败斯托克城之后,利物浦顺利晋级联赛杯八强,主教练达格利什“严重”表扬了在比赛中梅开二度的苏亚雷斯。

    Kenny Dalglish hailed the supreme display of Luis Suarez after the striker 's double fired Liverpool into the quarter-finals of the Carling Cup at the expense of Stoke City on Wednesday night .

  29. 看到像德尼尔森,迪亚比,特劳雷这样的年轻球员和切尔西的大牌球员对抗是另人振奋的,尽管德罗巴的梅开二度彻底击碎了他们的希望。

    It was certainly heartening to see the likes of Denilson , Abou Diaby and Armand Traore matching Chelsea 's world-famous faces , even if Didier Drogba 's double did ultimately dash their hopes .

  30. 最后两个球几乎全部源于他的速度和魔术般的脚下功夫,一个迫使对方自摆乌龙,另一个则争取到了任意球机会,正是这个任意球,让德罗巴梅开二度。

    The last two goals were entirely down to his blistering place and tricky footwork , one leading to an own goal and the other to the free kick from which Drogba racked up another .