
  • 网络Yang Familys Taichi
  1. 太极拳有很多派别,其中的杨氏太极拳,因为其拳势简单、易学易练,正在以独特的魅力被世界人民所喜爱。

    There are many factions of Tai Chi Chuan , of which Young 's Tai Chi Chuan , because of it 's simple , easy to learn and practice , is a unique charm of being loved by the people of the world .

  2. 运动组:以杨氏24式太极拳(包括:起势、左右野马分鬃、白鹤亮翅、左右搂膝拗步和手挥琵琶等共24式)为主要内容。

    Training group : Exercise contents were mostly twenty-four TCC ( Commencing form , Part the Wild Horse 's Mane on Both Side , White Crane Spreads its Wings , Brush Knee and Twist Step on Both Side and Play Pipa , etc ) .