
  1. 采用意愿调查法(CVM)对杨凌的游客进行随机抽样调查,获取了游客对都市农业景观娱乐游憩功能的支付意愿及其相关影响因素,并对都市农业的发展进行了量化分析。

    Based on the investigated data of the randomly selected tourists to Yang Ling by Contingent Valuation Method , this paper collects the information of willingness degree to pay for their touring and the relevant influencing factors , and it also analyses quantifiably the development of urban agriculture .

  2. 农民增收理论与提高杨凌示范区农民收入的途径分析

    Analysis on the Theory and Practice of Improving Farmers ' Income

  3. 现代农业与新型的城乡关系&国家杨凌农业高新技术产业示范区规划实践的启示

    Modern Agriculture and New Style of Urban - Countryside Relationship

  4. 他在问杨凌怎么去那儿。

    He 's asking Yang Ling how to get there .

  5. 杨凌城市化滞后于工业化发展。

    And Yang Ling 's urbanization still lags behind in industrialization development .

  6. 面向市场服务三农打造高职教育特色&杨凌职业技术学院农科教结合的实践与探索

    Forging Vocational Education by Marketing Confrontation and Serving Agriculture

  7. 杨凌示范区农业技术推广模式分析与优化途径

    Extension patterns of agriculture technology in Yang-ling demonstration zone : analyzing and optimizing

  8. 第六章:推进杨凌示范区农业技术标准推广的对策建议。

    Fifth chapter : The poplar insults the agricultural technology standard promotion pattern choice .

  9. 杨凌创业中心二次创业之路大采高工作面顺槽位置模拟研究

    Simulation on the position of road along next gob with large mining height face

  10. 应用地面灌溉水流运动数学模型模拟了杨凌区的地面灌溉,得出不同坡度下,畦长与单宽流量的合理组合。

    Through simulating the ground irrigation applied the mathematical model of water current movement ;

  11. 杨凌农业科技企业集群创新能力评价

    The Evaluation on the Innovation Capability of Agricultural Science and Technology Enterprise Cluster of Yang Ling

  12. 杨凌农科城在农业科技产业化、农用生产资料制造、农产品深加工以及特色旅游方面具有发展品牌经济的比较优势。

    Yangling agro-science-city enjoys advantages as industrialization of agro-science , manufacture of agro-productive facilities and process on farm-products .

  13. 我的朋友杨凌是两次奥运会射击冠军。

    Together with me is my friend Yang Ling who is a 2 time gold medallist in shooting .

  14. 乾隆陵旅游已是知名网站,汉族杨凌去年博物馆开幕。

    The Qianlong mausoleum is already a prominent tourist site , while the Han Yangling Museum opened last year .

  15. 本文系统研究了陕西关中地区苜蓿蓟马的种类,调查了杨凌、渭南、宝鸡等地区苜蓿上的蓟马种群。

    The paper studied and investigated the species of the thrips in alfalfa in the mid of Shaanxi province .

  16. 杨凌水电站的励磁装置经过改造,采用微机励磁调节装置,性能已经远远优于未改造之前的励磁调节装置。

    Yangling hydropower station has adopted microcomputer excitation regulator , its performance is far better than the former excitation equipment .

  17. 杨凌区生态村建设起步较晚,发展水平普遍偏低。

    It 's late for Yangling to start the ecologic village construction , so the level of development is universally low .

  18. 本研究是在陕西杨凌的沙壤土上进行的,所得结论是否适合于其它土壤条件和其它的叶轮还有待于进一步研究。

    More study is necessary to decide whether the conclusion is suited to the other soil condition and other iron , wheels .

  19. 为此杨凌农科城应当实施三大战略,即“走出去”战略、“产业集群化发展”战略和“旅游兴市”战略。

    Therefore Yangling should implement three main strategies which are " exterior strive "," congregation in industries " and " tourism development " .

  20. 让我与您及我的朋友杨凌分享我在悉尼参加火炬接力时的一段经历。

    Let me share with you and my friend Yang Ling an experience I had when I joined the torch relay in Sydney .

  21. 杨凌的产业结构将如何变动,对经济的发展又将产生怎样的影响?

    Industrial structure of Yang Ling how lieutenant general change development in a future one , what kind of influence does it produces to economic development ?

  22. 用意愿调查法评估都市农业游憩价值&以杨凌国家农业高新产业园区都市农业建设为例

    Evaluating the Value of Urban Agricultural Leisure Landscape by Contingent Valuation Method & Sampled by the Urban Agriculture Construction of Yang Ling National Hi-tech Industrial Park

  23. 教育型社区的构建并不是凭空出现的,是建立在杨凌现有的丰富的教育资源的基础之上的。

    The construction of educational community is not appearing out of thin air , it is built on the existing wealth of educational resources in Yang Ling .

  24. 在分析当代农业推广模式及其发展趋势的基础上,总结并提出了杨凌示范区几种典型的农业技术推广模式;

    Based on the analyses of the current extension patterns of agriculture technology and their development trends , several typical patterns of Yang-ling demonstration zone are proposed .

  25. 农地年薪制+土地换社保新型征地补偿方式的可行性探讨&以陕西杨凌农业高新技术产业示范区为例

    Discussion on the Feasibility of " the Farmland Yearly Salary System " and " the Social Insurance instead of Land " for the Compensation of the Land

  26. 随着杨凌作为国家唯一的农业高新技术产业示范区的建设和发展,区内工业用水和生活用水急剧增加,水资源短缺问题日益突出。

    With the construction and development of the area , water used in industry and living increase sharply , so that water resources shortage is serious day by day .

  27. 杨凌在19861995年间,居民点用地几乎没有变化,而19952003年间居民点用地有了大幅度的增加。

    From 1986 to 1995 , there was nearly no change in inhabitant area , but from 1995 to 2003 , however , there was a significant increase in it .

  28. 用成本-效益分析法对公路建设占用土地资源的经济合理性进行评价,并对公路建设占地的社会效益进行分析,通过杨凌农业高新技术产业示范区三路一桥工程验证它们的实用性。

    A method of cost-benefit analysis is approached to evaluate the economic rationality of occupation of land in highway construction and the social benefits produced by highway construction are analyzed qualitatively ;

  29. 杨凌的成功卫冕和蔡亚林及陶璐娜的意外夺金使中国队成为射击项目的大赢家,从而奠定了其在世界射坛的领头羊位置。

    Successful title defense by Yang Ling and surprising golds by Cai Yalin and Tao Luna made China the winningest nation and established it as the leading shooting nation in the world .

  30. 论文摘要摘要:目的了解杨凌区成年居民对艾滋病知识的把握情况,反映居民预防艾滋病的能力,为今后开展艾滋病健康教育提供依据。

    OBJECTIVE To get a view of knowledge among the adult residents in Yangling , and to inflect their capacity to prevent AIDS , and to provide evidence for future health education .