
  • 网络Heyang;hayang;hnzynp
河阳 [hé yáng]
  • [Heyang] 古地名,在现在河南省孟县西

  1. 其思想发展可分为三个阶段:早期:学优则仕与田园之思,大致时间在出任河阳令前。

    There was three periods in the development of his thought .

  2. 目的:了解贵州省都匀市河阳乡牛带绦虫病的流行因素及病原虫种,为防治措施的制定提供依据。

    Objective : To study pathogenic species of taeniasis and factors causing its epidemic in Duyun , Guizhou .

  3. 被她父母抛弃后,这女孩便被陕西河阳县的一对贫穷夫妇抚养,她至今从未上过学。

    Abandoned by her parents , the girl-who has never been to school-was raised by a poverty-stricken couple in the county of Heyang , Shaanxi Province .

  4. 唐分属河北道怀州河内郡、河阳三城使孟州、河南道河南府河南郡、郑州荥阳郡。

    Tang belong to Hanoi , pregnant Road Hebei county , III Heyang make Mengzhou City , Henan Province House Road , County of Henan , Zhengzhou Yang Ying County .

  5. 但此后由于才名冠世,为众所疾,加之因为卷入当时的党派斗争中,遂长年栖迟下僚,抑郁不得志,直到咸宁五年才被外任为河阳令、怀县令等。

    But since then , due to Cai Ming crown the world , for all the diseases combined , involved in the partisan struggle was long habitat late next Liao , depression unsuccessful until the Xianning five years been outside any hayang make Huai County order and so on .