
  • 网络Riverside Park;River Park;Riverfront Park;Riverwalk;S.H.E
  1. 他们约定一大清早7点在河滨公园见面。

    They arranged to meet in Riverside Park at the unearthly hour of seven in the morning .

  2. 河滨公园第三场,最后下注。

    Last call on the third at Riverside park .

  3. 你可以参观一个非常精彩的地方&河滨公园。

    You can also visit a wonderful place & the Riverwalk .

  4. 宝丰县净肠河河滨公园规划设计

    Design of the park along Jingchang River in Baofeng County

  5. 平顶山市河滨公园总体规划说明

    Overall Plan of Pingdingshan Streamside Park

  6. 迈克:我们去河滨公园吧?不在城市里和大家挤来挤去的。

    Mike : Shall we go to one of the riverside parks rather than brave the hordes in the city ?

  7. 在当地政府打造集休闲、生态与旅游为一身的河滨公园的大型工程中,这座拟建桥梁是利用公共空间的关键项目,建设工作将于明年启动。

    The bridge is the key project for the development of the public space of the river park 's recreational , ecological and tourist program . Construction is scheduled for next year .