
  1. 系统发育分析表明,NDV昌黎株与国内四平株在同一亚群。

    The phylogenetic analysis of nucleotide sequences of F genes showed that NDV Changli strain and NDV Siping strain was in the same subgroup .

  2. 根据地磁感应矢量和昌黎的大地电磁测深曲线推测,这个异常可能属于DV型CA,其走向近于东西向。

    According to the induction vectors and the magneto-telluric sounding curves of Changli , the strike of the anomaly is in an east-west direction , and it seems to belong to the " Directional Variation Type " .

  3. 利用昌黎、红山等台站的地磁Z分量日变资料,分析了磁静日幅度、磁扰日幅度和磁静日低点时间的年变化与长期变化,结果年变化和长期变化都非常明显。

    The magnetically quiet day and magnetically disturbed day as well as the low point time at the magnetically quiet day are analyzed by the annual variation and secular variation of geomagnetic Z component datum observed at Changli and Hongshan Stations .

  4. 昌黎黄金海岸长40km,分布1~15km宽的风成沙丘。

    The Changli Gold Coast is 40 km long and with eolian dunes about 1 ~ 1.5 km wide distributed .

  5. 秦皇岛昌黎黄金海岸的沙丘沉积和发育机理

    Sedimentation and development mechanism of dunes in the Changli Gold Coast

  6. 昌黎海岸沙丘的发育条件及动态变化

    Development Condition and Dynamic Change on Coastal Dune in the Changli

  7. 昌黎地秧歌从形式到内容,都有其明显个性。

    Changlidi Yangko has a distinct character from form to content .

  8. 昌黎黄金海岸自然保护区面临的问题与对策

    The Problems Existing in Changli Golden Coast Natural Reserve and The Countermeasures

  9. 昌黎黄金海岸沙丘动态变化及动因解析

    Dynamic Change and Cause Analysis on Coastal Dune in Changli Gold Coast

  10. 临沂市经济发展的条件评价与对策昌黎县经济发展的条件与战略对策

    The developing conditions and strategic countermeasures of the economy of Changli County

  11. 昌黎&全国最大的优质酒葡萄基地

    Changli County-the Biggest High-quality Wine-grape Base in the Country

  12. 昌黎井数字化水位水温对汶川地震同震响应机理分析

    Analysis on Geothermal and Water Level Response to Wenchuan Earthquake in Changli Well

  13. 昌黎县实施循环经济的可行性研究

    Feasible Study on Implementing Recycle Economy in Changli County

  14. 来到了以黄金海岸著称的昌黎。

    Before arriving in changli , a town known for its golden beach .

  15. 完善市场营销网络,打造昌黎红酒名牌;

    Perfect the marketing network and create the famous red-wine brands of ChangLi ;

  16. 昌黎海岸风成沙丘的形态与沉积构造特征及其成因初探

    Morphology Sedimentary Structural Characteristics and Genesis of The Changli Coastal Dunes , Hebei Province

  17. 昌黎旅游业历史悠久。

    Changli has a long history of tourism .

  18. 昌黎,赤霞珠的第二故乡

    Changli County-the Second Home of the Cabernet Sauvignon

  19. 昌黎葡萄誉华夏干红美酒名九州&昌黎县被命名为中国干红葡萄酒之乡

    The County of China s Dry Red Wines

  20. 昌黎县鲜食葡萄的发展前景、障碍因素与对策

    The developing prospects , impediments and Countermeasures of Fresh-eating grape industry in Changli County

  21. 2002年10月以来昌黎井水位趋势上升分析

    Analysis on the tendency rising of groundwater level in Changli well since October of 2002

  22. 本人采用了文献考察、田野调查的方式对昌黎民歌的音乐进行研究。

    I used a literature study , fieldwork way to do Changli folk music research .

  23. 昌黎硅砂用于玻璃原料的选矿试验研究

    Experimental Study on Mineral Processing of Silica Sand in Changli as Glass Making Raw Materials

  24. 昌黎县葡萄酒产业化经营问题研究

    Study on Wine Industrialization of Changli County

  25. 昌黎井清洗及井口改造

    Cleaning and reconstruction of Changli well

  26. 最后,提出昌黎县民间文化产业的发展建议。

    Lastly , this paper put forward some suggestions about developing Changli county folk culture industries .

  27. 昌黎县黄金海岸自然保护区的资源利用现状及产业化前景

    Present Situation and Industrialization Prospect of Resources in the Nature Protective Section of Goldcoast in Changli

  28. 昌黎井含水层系统的水位水温动态关系与地震活动

    Relation between water level and water temperature in the aquifer system of Changli well and seismicity

  29. 昌黎海岸风成沙丘砂组构特征及其与海滩砂的比较

    A comparative study on textural characteristics of dune and beach sands on the coast of changli , Hebei

  30. 第三章、第四章为昌黎吹歌概况和昌黎吹歌的旋律特点分析。

    Chapter Three briefly introduces Changli Blowing Song itself , while Chapter Four specifically analyzes the tune characteristics .