
  • Valley basin;basin valley
  1. 自然环境、人文因素演变与城市聚落发展的关系&以兰州河谷盆地为例

    On relation between evolution of natural environment and human factor and development of urban settlement

  2. 结果表明:澜沧江干流河谷盆地气温和降水总体上有自南部向北部递减的趋势,即南部的气温比北部高,降水比北部多。

    The results show that , air temperature and rainfall are higher in the south region than in the north region .

  3. 1949年以来中国城市居住区空间演变与机制研究&以河谷盆地型城市兰州为例

    Study on spatial evolvement and mechanism of urban residential district in China since 1949 & a case study of the valley-basin city : lanzhou

  4. 利用兰州河谷盆地城乡过渡区边界层观测资料,分析了该地区的温度平流和边界层特征。

    Using the observational data over transition zone between urban and rural areas in the basin of the Yellow River ( Lanzhou ) valley , the characteristics of boundary layer and the heat advection were analyzed .

  5. 兰州的石油化工产业以及燃煤排放的污染物中含有较多的多环芳烃,而兰州市特殊的狭长河谷盆地地理环境,污染物很难通过自然扩散消除,尤其是冬季的污染更加严重。

    Contaminants discharged by petrochemicals industry and coal-burning in Lanzhou contain much Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons ( PAHs ), but they are hardly eliminated by natural diffuse process because of special geographic environment of a narrow and long river valley basin which makes the pollution more serious especially in winter .

  6. 金沙江干热河谷元谋盆地冲沟沟头形态学特征研究

    Study on the Morphological Characteristics of the Gully Heads in Yuanmou Basin , Arid River Valley of Jinsha River , China