
  • 网络river bend;A Bend in the River
  1. 河弯的演变特性的研究既是对弯道水沙运动的规律的探索,同时也是预测河道弯曲摆动的主要依据。

    The research of the river bend evolution characteristics is not only to explore water-sediment movement law , but also the main basis to forecast river bend swing .

  2. 近10年来,由于石首河弯河势发生调整,原港区淤积不能作业,严重制约了腹地经济发展。

    In recent 10 years , due to the change of the river bend and river circumstances , sediment was deposited in the original port area and the port could not be used and thus confined the economic development of the hinterland .

  3. 冲积河弯水流结构及床面切力计算

    Computation of Flow Structure and Boundary Shear Stress in Alluvial Bends

  4. 河流形成宽阔的河弯,称之为河曲。

    The river forms broad loops , called meanders .

  5. 这里的河弯由一只河马老大掌管

    This bend is controlled by an all-powerful male .

  6. 冲积河弯床面高程的计算

    Calculation of Bed Elevation in Alluvial Channel Bends

  7. 长江荆江河段河弯平面形态变化规律研究

    Study on evolution patterns in bend planforms of Jingjiang Stretch of the Yangtze River

  8. 黄河下游游荡性河段河弯发育与来水来沙的关系

    Development of meanders under varying water and sediment load conditions in the Lower Yellow River

  9. 连续河弯滩槽推移质交换的研究

    A Study on Bed-load Exchange between the Upper Pool and the Crossing Bar in Curved River

  10. 弯道岸线的演化发展不仅与河岸的侵蚀和崩塌有关,也涉及到河岸抗冲能力的问题,这是河弯演变理论的重要组成部分。

    The evolution and development of the meandering channels which is related to the erosion and collapse of the river banks and involves the river bank erosion-resisting capacity problem , is an important part of the theory of river bend evolution .

  11. 距离我们住的地方1公里半有一条河,弯延曲折流入森林。

    We lived about 1 and half miles from a river that winds through the forest .

  12. 这是一片苍翠的溪谷之地,树木星罗棋布,他瞥见树木之间有一条河流闪闪生光,这河拐了个弯,向大致是西北方向奔腾而去。

    It was t a green valley-land dotted with trees through which he caught the gleam of a river that wound away roughly to the North-West .

  13. 结合野外调查资料,对试验数据进行回归分析,建立了最大冲刷深度与主要影响因素(水深、泥沙粒径、河宽、河弯半径)的关系式。

    The regression analysis was made for the experiments data with the spot measure data , the formula about maximum scour depth in concave bank with the main effect factors ( flow depth , sediment size , river width , radius of the bend channel ) was gained .