
  1. 美丽的城市风景线江阴

    Beautiful city scenery line

  2. 建造一栋能够成为城市风景线标记的知名建筑,同时又是一个好的办公场所,这其中的取舍闻名天下。

    The trade-offs between having a prestigious building that makes a mark on the skyline but which is also a good place to work in are notorious .

  3. 一栋在城市风景线中引人注目的建筑,可能需要很高的维护费,但至少对于某些公司而言,这笔投资似乎是值得的。

    A building that makes a splash on the skyline may be high-maintenance , but for some companies , at least , it seems the investment can pay off .

  4. 如果人们的回忆准确,现在很难想象,战前伦敦的城市建筑风景线是所有名城中最美的。

    It is hard to imagine that London before the last war must have had one of the most beautiful skylines of any great city , if those who recall it are to be believed .

  5. 每天,我们都能看到许多的志愿者,事实上,他们已经成为城市的一道风景线了。

    Every day , we can see the figures of the volunteers . Actually , they have formed a kind of scenery of the city .

  6. 2006中国城市生活质量排名勾勒城市风景线

    Outline of City Ranking in Living Quality of China in 2006

  7. 在机器人领域中,随着工业化的发展,信息化的到来,城市里高楼林立,为城市带来新的风景线,从而也衍生出繁重的清洗任务。

    In the field of robots , with the development of industrialization and arrival of informatization , many high-rise buildings have been built and have brought new urban scenery to cities , which have derived from the heavy task of cleaning .

  8. 城市河道,是城市水生态环境的重要载体,在社会经济发展中发挥着极其重要的作用,既是城市环境独特的风景线,也是发展国民经济和保障人民安居乐业的生命线。

    Urban river is most important for urban ecological environment and take great part in urban development which is the most unique scenery and the lifeline of national economy and citizens life .