
  • 网络the registered urban unemployment rate;urban registered unemployment rate;Registered Unemployment Rate in Urban Areas
  1. 基于核主成分与加权支持向量机的福建省城镇登记失业率预测

    Forecasting of the urban registered unemployment rate in Fujian province based on kernel principal component analysis and weighted support vector machine

  2. 基于GA-SVM模型的福建省城镇登记失业率预测

    The Prediction of the Urban Registered Unemployment Rate in Fujian Province Based on GA-SVM Model

  3. 通过ECM模型可以发现建筑工程造价的短期波动对自身、地区生产总值、商品零售价格总指数、城镇登记失业率较为敏感,其中仅商品零售价格总指数是负相关。

    Through the analysis of ECM model , it finds that short-term fluctuation of construction cost is sensitive to itself , the gross regional product , registered unemployment rate in cities and towns and general retail price index of commodities which is also the only having a negative correlation .

  4. 中国城镇登记失业率评析

    Analysis of China 's " Registered Unemployment Rate in Town "

  5. 城镇登记失业率为3.6%。

    The unemployment rate on record in urban areas was3.6 percent .

  6. 城镇登记失业率控制在4.5%左右;

    Keeping the registered urban unemployment rate at around 4.5 percent ;

  7. 城镇登记失业率低于4.6%

    Keep the registered urban unemployment rate at or below 4.6 percent .

  8. 同时城镇登记失业率与城乡差距之间也存在着正向关系。

    Registered unemployment rate in cities and towns also has the forward relationship with the income gap between rural and urban .

  9. 首先,明确介绍失业城镇登记失业率劳动力参与率下岗职工的涵义。

    Firstly , introduce the specific meaning of the related concepts , including Unemployment , Urban Registered Unemployment and Labor Participation Rate .

  10. 城镇登记失业率4.1%。城镇新增就业1310万人,创历史新高。

    The registered urban unemployment rate was kept at 4.1 % and 13.1 million urban jobs were created , an all-time high .

  11. 年末城镇登记失业率为4%,比上年末增加0.4个百分点。

    The urban unemployment rate through unemployment registration was 4 percent at the end of 2002 , up by 0.4 percentage points .

  12. 答:当前全国企业下岗职工1151万人,城镇登记失业率3.1%。

    A : At present , there are 11.51 million laid-off workers nationwide , and the urban registered unemployment rate is 3.1 percent .

  13. 但是河南经济的快速增长,却没有带来相应的就业人数的增加,城镇登记失业率居高不下。

    However , rapid economic growth in Henan does not bring a corresponding increase in employment ; the urban registered unemployment rate is high .

  14. 据劳动部门统计,年末城镇登记失业率为1.18%,处于调控指标以内;

    According to the statistics from labor department , the urban unemployment rate through unemployment registration was 1.18 percent , within the controlling range .

  15. 特别是1997年以来,中国出现了经济高增长与城镇登记失业率攀升同时并存的增长型失业现象。

    Especially since 1997 , there emerged increasing unemployment & that is the result of fast economic growth and high urban registered unemployment rate in China .

  16. 城镇登记失业率逐年增加,超过了4%的自然失业率,就业形势比较严峻。

    Registered unemployment rate in the town is increasing year by year , exceeding 4 % , the natural unemployment rate , suggesting a serious situation .

  17. 失城之乱:论黄碧云小说的城市身份想像&城镇登记失业率3.5%左右。

    The Imaginary of Urban Identity in Huang Biyun s Fiction ; & The registered unemployment rate in cities and towns should be about 3.5 percent ;

  18. 2002年力争新增就业800万人,将城镇登记失业率控制在4.5%左右。

    In 2002 , efforts will be made to provide jobs for 8 million people and keep the urban registered unemployment rate at around 4.5 percent .

  19. 到2004年年末,全市城镇登记失业率5.5%,而实际失业情况更为严重,城市的失业率始终在高位回荡。

    As far as the last of 2004 , the unemployment rate has reached 5.5 % , and the real complexion is more serious which keeps high level .

  20. 城镇登记失业率刚刚超过4%,该数字是基于在人力资源相关部门或就业服务机构登记的失业人数得出的。

    The urban registered unemployment rate , which is based on the number of unemployed people registering with human resource authorities or employment service institutions , was just over 4 percent .

  21. 本章第一节首先考察了我国城镇登记失业率的缺陷,并采用一种简单但较为有效的估算方法(基于年鉴数据的直接估算法)估算了我国1978&2009年的真实城镇失业率。

    The first section examines the shortcomings of the registered urban unemployment rate , and using a simple but more effective method for estimating ( based on the Yearbook data , direct estimation method ) to estimate the true urban unemployment rate from 1978 to 2009 .

  22. 本部分研究了我国城镇登记人口失业率、城镇劳动力参与率的变化趋势以及我国三大产业的就业结构状况,在此基础上对我国目前的就业现状与问题进行了深入地分析。

    This part studies the Chinese registered urban unemployment population and urban unemployment rate , the trends of Chinese registered urban labor force participation rate and the structure of employment condition in Chinese three major industries .

  23. 城镇登记失业人员就业率69.49%,下岗职工再就业率75.91%。

    The employment rate of urban registered unemployed workers was 69.49 percent , and the reemployment rate of laid-off workers was 75.91 percent .

  24. 城镇新增就业900万人以上,城镇登记失业率控制在4.6%以内。

    More than 9 million new jobs will be created in towns and cities . The registered urban unemployment rate will be kept at 4.6 percent or lower .

  25. 五年城镇新增就业和转移农业劳动力各达到4000万人,城镇登记失业率控制在5%左右。

    The number of newly added urban employees and that of transferred rural labor force in the five years will reach 40 million respectively , and the registered unemployment rate in cities and towns will be kept at around 5 percent .

  26. 全年城镇新就业700万人,下岗人员再就业245万人,城镇登记失业率3.1%。

    Last year , 7 million people in cities and towns found their first jobs , and 2.45 million laid off workers were reemployed and the registered unemployment rate in cities and towns was 3.1 % .

  27. 当前我国就业形势和失业问题面临三重压力:首先,国有单位和城镇集体单位出现了大批下岗失业人员,我国城镇失业人口骤然上升,城镇实际失业率远超过城镇登记失业率。

    Firstly , a large number of unemployed have emerged in state-owned enterprises and collective enterprises . The quantity of them is soaring up , and the actual urban unemployment rate has far surpassed the registered unemployment rate .