
  • 网络Urban History
  1. 城市史研究中的都市&地区理论

    The Metropolis Region Theory in the Studies of Urban History

  2. 21世纪中国近代城市史研究展望

    Prospects of the Study of the Urban History of Modern China in the 21st Century

  3. 近代石家庄城市史研究述评

    Review of Study on the Urbanization of Shijiazhuang in Modern Times

  4. 中国城市史研究中的区域观念

    Regional concept in the study of the history of Chinese cities

  5. 中国近代城市史个案研究举要

    Important Case Studies of the History of Cities in Contemporary China

  6. 作者提出,在中国城市史研究中宜重视区域观念,并因此而确立一种整体的城市意识。

    In this sense , a regional concept means an urban consciousness .

  7. 邺城&中国、亚洲与世界城市史研究中的一个谜

    Yecheng-The Mystery of City History Research to China , Asia and the World

  8. 中国城市史研究的几个问题

    Topics on the historical research of Chinese cities

  9. 中国城市史研究综述(1986-2006)

    Towards Researches into the Chinese Urban Historical Researches ( from 1986 to 2006 );

  10. 20世纪后期中国近代城市史研究的理论探索

    Theoretical Study on the Modern City History of China in the Late 20th Century

  11. 赣州城市史及其保护问题

    Problem of City History and Protection in Ganzhou

  12. 东周以前城市史研究

    Chinese Cities before the East Zhou Dynasty

  13. 唐山近代史研究是中国近代城市史研究的重要组成部分。

    Thirdly , the theme of modern and contemporary history is to build modern states .

  14. 试论城市史研究的特色

    On Characteristics of Research on City History

  15. 伦敦的人口迁入是伦敦人口史和城市史的重要内容之一。

    London migration is one of the important content in the history of London Population and city .

  16. 西方城市史的理论研究

    Theory and Urban History

  17. 近年来出现的新美国黑人城市史,使这一局面有所改观。

    The appearance of the new urban history on African Americans in recent years has improved this situation .

  18. 城市史研究的范围与方法&试论历史地理学、古都学及城市史学之关系

    Scope and Methodology of Urban History Study-on the Relationship among Historical Geography , Ancient Capitals and Urban Historiography

  19. 摘要近年来,城市史研究在中外学术界都备受关注。

    During recent years , urban history research has attracted greater attention from scholars both at home and abroad .

  20. 在中国城市史上,城是指构筑了防御性设施的聚落,但它不等同于一般的军事城堡。

    In the history of Chinese cities , a walled-city is not just a military castle but a settlement with defensive works .

  21. 从中可窥其都邑的政治、社会面貌,以期对先秦城市史的研究提供借鉴。

    Thus it provides the reference to the study of the urban history of pre-Qin period by spying to the political and social visage .

  22. 以已有研究而言,主要集中于武汉政治史、武汉抗战史及武汉城市史三大主题。

    This article finds that studies on the Nanjing period comprise such three areas as politics , Anti-Japanese War , and the urban development .

  23. 加强中国古代城市史的研究应在五个方面给予更多的关注:重视综合的、系统的宏观研究;多学科参与和跨学科研究方法的运用;

    For strengthening the research , Chinese ancient urban history should pay more concerns on five aspects : the macroscopic research and the comprehensive system research ;

  24. 住宅房地产问题,始终是城市史研究的热门话题。

    The residential real estate problem is still treated as a popular theme in the field of the study of the downtown history all the while .

  25. 同时借鉴城市史研究方法,对两种功能城镇的功能状况和发展作了历史探讨和概论说明,作为地理研究的补充。

    By using the methodology of city history for reference , the paper also conducts a historical discussion and generalizes situation and development of the city .

  26. 20世纪美国黑人城市史的研究,是近年来美国史学研究的热点之一。

    The research of urban history on African Americans in the twentieth century is one of the hot spots of research of American history in recent years .

  27. 周憬碑对阐明韶关、郴州早期城市史和粤北开发史有巨大意义。

    The monument of the exploits of Zhou Jing was endowed enormous meanings to expounding the early urban history of Shaoguan and the developing history in the north of Guangzhou .

  28. 除了对古代城市史的进一步研究外,也要加强对近现代城市史和地方城市、特殊类型城市的系统及专题研究,以利于当前的建设。

    Besides studying further the ancient capital cities , it is helpful to present city construction to pay more attention on the history of modern cities , local cities and some special cities .

  29. 国外的城市史研究,经历了从城市制度、经济到文化和日常生活几个阶段之后取得了丰硕的研究成果,研究的范围和深度都不断扩展和深化。

    Foreign urban history research has experienced the studies on urban system , economy culture and daily life and has achieved fruitful results , and the scope and depth of the research are expanding and deepening .

  30. 论者根据研究中国近代城市史的经验,提出比较城市研究、公众史和社区史研究和文化符号分析等三条新的研究进路。

    In line with the author 's experience of studying the urban history of modern china , this paper puts forward three approaches to urban history research : to compare cities , to study public history and community history , and to analyze the cultural symbols .