
  • 网络irkutsk airport;Irkutsk International Airport;IKT
  1. 该机为维珍航空公司的空客A340,机上包括戴利与他的男友达斯汀·兰斯·布雷克在内共有301名乘客,从上海飞往伦敦的途中在俄罗斯伊尔库茨克机场迫降。

    He and his partner Dustin Lance Black were among 301 people aboard a Virgin Atlantic Airbus A340 which had to put down in the Russian city of Irkutsk , on a flight from Shanghai to London .

  2. 维珍航空发言人表示,“维珍航空可以确认从上海飞往伦敦西斯罗机场的VS251航班由于出现技术问题,已转飞俄罗斯伊尔库茨克机场迫降作为安全措施。安全保障一直是我们优先考虑的问题。”

    A Virgin spokeswoman said : ' Virgin Atlantic can confirm that the VS251 travelling from Shanghai to London Heathrow has diverted to Irkutsk Airport , Russia , as a precautionary measure due to a technical issue . Safety and security is always our top priority .