
  • Ivan;Evan;Yvan
  1. 她的许多邻居,甚至伊凡都要她的种子。

    Many of her neighbors , even Ivan asked for her seeds .

  2. 那是伊凡种的豆子,他的植物几乎爬到了篱笆顶上。

    That was the bean Ivan planted , and his plants climbed almost to the top of the fence .

  3. 伊凡鼻子流着血回到家里。他妈妈问,“发生了什么事?”

    Ivan came home with a bloody1 nose and his mother asked , " What happened ? "

  4. 从KazimierzWaliszewski所著的《伊凡大帝》(1904年)一书的描述中,伊凡晚年的行为同晚期梅毒症状很匹配,他写道:

    From Kazimierz Waliszewski 's 1904 book , Ivan the Terrible , a description of Ivan 's behavior in later life matches symptoms of the later stages of syphilis :

  5. “他走到哪里我都能认出他,”伊凡说。

    " I 'd know him any where ," said Ivan .

  6. 伊凡不会跟你妈妈认真的。

    Ivan 's not a serious possibility for your mother .

  7. 伊凡:嘿,那就是举办化妆舞会的目的呀!

    Ivan : Hey , that is what masquerade parties are for !

  8. 伊凡有点笨,不是么?

    Ivan 's a bit of a half-wit , isn 't he ?

  9. 我们应出席今晚伊凡家的宴会吗?

    Ought we to show ourselves at the evan 's party tonight ?

  10. 伊凡为我的胡闹去受惩罚是不公平的。

    It was unfair that Ivan answered for my mischief .

  11. 伊凡冷静地跟总理点头示意。

    The Russian champion is amazingly cool as he acknowledges his premier .

  12. 伊凡:我要把这个钟拿给古董商开开眼。

    Ivan : I 'm taking this clock to an antique dealer .

  13. 当官的走到伊凡跟前,开始查问他。

    Coming up to Ivan , the official began to question him .

  14. 莉莎和伊凡都在一家大公司上班。

    Lisa and Evan both work for a large company .

  15. 伊凡·德米特里奇收住脚,望着妻子。

    Ivan Dmitritch stopped daydreaming and looked at his wife .

  16. 伊凡:你对鲍伯了解多少啊?

    Evan : What do you know about Bob ?

  17. 伊凡没满足于小小的诽谤或丑闻。

    Ivan didn 't settle for a mere scandal .

  18. 伊凡随时准备着为他的信念牺牲。

    Lvan was ready to die for his cause .

  19. 伊凡有打过职业拳赛吗?

    Has Drago ever boxed against a real professional ?

  20. 它是由“恐怖的沙皇伊凡”于16世纪中叶所建。

    It was built by Czar Ivan the Terrible in the mid-16th century .

  21. 伊凡露联合肉毒毒素在面部除皱术中的应用

    The application of Evolution united to Botulinum Toxin for correction of facial wrinkle

  22. 伊凡:这才不是什么传家宝。

    Ivan : It 's not a family heirloom .

  23. 一个男孩咬了我一口,伊凡说。

    A kid bit me , replied Ivan .

  24. 你们有些人可能已经认识伊凡了。

    Some of you may know Ivan already .

  25. 伊凡有参与这些实验吗?

    Has Drago partaken in any such experiments ?

  26. 伊凡你何时会出战?

    When are you fighting , drago ?

  27. 伊凡鼻子流着血回到家里。他妈妈问,发生了什么事?

    Ivan came home with a bloody nose and his mother asked , What happened ?

  28. 但是,为什么伊凡的医生一开始就给他使用水银呢?

    But why would Ivan 's physicians have given him mercury in the first place ?

  29. 他问伊凡与我的父亲,

    he asked Irfan and my father .

  30. 伊凡:对,但是不管怎么样,我还是想继续祈求好运。

    Evan : Yes , but I 'm going to keep my fingers crossed anyway .