
qián zài chǔ liàng
  • potential reserves potential ore
  1. 我们仍然在评估潜在储量的确切规模。

    We are still assessing the exact size of the potential reserves .

  2. 南海的潜在储量甚至可能会更大。

    The potential of the South China Sea could be even greater .

  3. 除了现有的特许制,这些规定还引入了产量分成协议,旨在确保对巨大潜在储量的所有权。

    These introduce production sharing agreements alongside the existing concessions system , with the aim of securing ownership over these potentially vast reserves .

  4. 资源排列所,是悉尼一家挂牌的石油团体,他们估计,仅仅在索马里的Puntland省,包括Mudug地区,潜在石油储量就达到了50~100亿捅。

    Range Resources , an oil group listed in Sydney , estimates that the Puntland province – which includes the Mudug region – has the potential to yield5bn-10bn barrels of oil .

  5. 对北极国家而言,这里的碳氢化合物的潜在总储量十分可观远远超过南中国海的储量。

    The aggregate hydrocarbon potential for countries in the Arctic will be significant far larger than in the South China Sea .

  6. 油页岩是一种重要的潜在能源,储量巨大,在化石燃料中它的储量折算成发热量仅次于煤而列第二位。

    Oil shale was an important potential energy sources with enormous reserves and its reserves in fossil fuel was in the second place just inferior to coal when converted into the quantity of heat .