
qián wàng jìng
  • periscope
潜望镜 [qián wàng jìng]
  • [periscope] 一种光学仪器,即在一个设有透镜系统的筒的两端各装一面镜子或全反射透镜,使两者的镜面彼此平行且与筒的轴线成45角,观察者(如在水底的潜水艇上或在处理高度辐射物质的工作中)只要通过目镜或者象通过目镜那样观看筒一端的反射镜,便可以从中看到从另一端的反射镜反射过来的受到阻隔的景物

潜望镜[qián wàng jìng]
  1. 那个潜艇艇长有个类似于潜望镜之类的东西。

    The captain of the submarine has got this periscope thing .

  2. 现在,他一面从潜望镜里观察,一面用精干踏实的口吻说话。

    Now , peering through the periscope he remarked in businesslike tones .

  3. 借助不同高度和方位的潜望镜,人们可以看到逝去与活着的灵魂之间的视觉关系

    Periscopes at various heights and apparatus of visual relationship between the departed and the living souls .

  4. 将BP神经网络应用于导航潜望镜读数校正。

    BP neural network can be used to correct the output date of navigation periscope .

  5. 利用OpenGL开发虚拟潜望镜视景系统

    Development of Virtual Periscope ′ s Scenes System Based on OpenGL

  6. 对CH型攻击潜望镜和CK型搜索潜望镜的发展史做了系统地叙述。

    The evolution of CH type attack periscopes and CK type search periscopes is systematically described .

  7. 潜艇潜望镜矩形平面保护窗口强度分析

    Stress intensity analyzing of the submarine periscope rectangle plain protecting window

  8. 潜望镜白光透射比测量装置的设计与实施

    Design and Realization of Instrument for Measuring White-light Transmissivity of Periscope

  9. 针对潜望镜的舰船目标识别算法的研究

    Research on The Algorithm of The Ship Target Recognition Using Periscope

  10. 潜望镜深度潜艇的数学建模与运动仿真

    Mathematics Modeling and Motion Simulation of Submarine at Periscope Depth

  11. 在强海杂波背景下的潜望镜检测

    The Periscope Detection against the Background of Strong Sea Clutters

  12. 国外潜望镜和光电桅杆观察窗的选型分析

    Analysis of Shape Selection on Foreign Periscope and Optronic Mast Observation Windows

  13. 潜望镜瞄准棱镜俯仰控制系统

    The Control System for Collimation Prism of the Submarine Periscope

  14. 耐辐照多节潜望镜光学设计

    Optical Design of Multistage Periscope with Performance of Anti - Nuclear Radiation

  15. 他们俩在车子的两边互相用潜望镜窥探。

    They spied on each other from the sides of the car .

  16. 英国潜艇潜望镜的发展史(续二)

    Evolutional History of Submarine Periscopes in UK ( 2 )

  17. 从潜艇潜望镜到潜艇成像系统的新概念

    New Concept from Submarine Periscope to Submarine Imaging Systems

  18. 潜艇潜望镜瞄准线三轴稳定研究

    Study of three - axis stabilization to the submarine periscope Une of sight

  19. 船长使潜望镜对准方位。

    The captain aligned the periscope on the bearing .

  20. 潜望镜瞄准线陀螺稳定系统的理论分析

    Theoretical Analysis of LOS Gyro Stabilization System for Periscope

  21. 装甲车新型大视场高潜望镜的研制

    Development of New Type of Wide - Field High Periscope for Armored Vehicle

  22. 潜望镜保护玻璃温度控制器的设计

    Design of Temperature Controller for Periscope Protective Glass

  23. 核反应堆用潜望镜的研制

    Development of a Periscope Used for Nuclear Pile

  24. 90年代现代潜艇潜望镜的发展

    Development of modern submarine periscopes in 1990s

  25. 俄罗斯的潜艇潜望镜和光电桅杆

    Submarine Periscope and Optronic Mast in Russian

  26. 鲸鱼鳍成了潜望镜?

    Fin whale has become a periscope ?

  27. 美国虚拟潜望镜研究及进展

    Research & Progress of American Virtual Periscope

  28. 他背后的潜望镜突然冒了出来。

    The periscope bobbed up behind him .

  29. 简单的潜望镜使用平面镜。

    A simple periscope uses mirrors .

  30. 德国通气管与潜望镜组合结构的应用

    Application of German Snorkel-Periscope Combination Structure