
qián shí zuò yòng
  • submarine erosion action
潜蚀作用[qián shí zuò yòng]
  1. 在黄土侵蚀的过程中,潜蚀作用起着重要的作用。

    Suffosion erosion takes an important action during the loess erosion .

  2. 大坝环境水潜蚀作用与防治对策

    Erosion Action by Environment Water to the Dam and Its Countermeasures of Prevention and Control

  3. 地下水(地表水)产生的渗透潜蚀作用、崩解作用等是土洞形成和发展的重要原因。

    The action of seepage erosion and disintegration produced by groundwater are important causation of the formation and development of soil cave .

  4. 深部及周围石灰岩矿的开采,为岩溶洞隙充填物提供了被搬运带走的空间,使得潜蚀作用可以不断地向上扩展;

    Deep part and peripheral limestone mining leaves space for fillers in karst caves and fissures that causes pipe erosion expanding upward ceaselessly ;

  5. 特别是在水流的冲蚀或潜蚀作用下,易使土体结构崩解破坏,并最终导致地面塌陷积水和边坡失稳滑移。

    Structure of saturant soil worked by water erosion is easy to collapse , and finally leads to surface saving water and losing stability .

  6. 潜蚀作用导致岩溶塌陷地质灾害的实例分析用潜蚀机制解释这种现象较为合理,它是一个累进变形破坏过程。

    A case study of the geological hazard of karst land collapse caused by groundwater corroding It is reasonable to explain this phenomenon with the underflow erosion .

  7. 抽汲地下水降低了地下水位,使上覆土层浮托力减小,水力坡度和流速增大,潜蚀作用加强。

    Due to groundwater pumping the water level is lowered , the buoyancy in covering soil is decreased , the hydraulic gradient and flow velocity are increased , and the corrosion is enhanced .

  8. 安庆铜矿3矿体公路部分路基处于地表塌陷区,由于地下水的潜蚀作用,导致路基出现大幅度的沉降和开裂。

    Part of roadbed near the ore body 3 # of Anqing Copper Mine lies in the zone of depression and abrupt subsidence and crack happened to it as a result of hidden erosion of groundwater .