
  • 网络bedding plane;Bedding Surfaces
  1. 本文在Goodman,石根华等人研究的基础上,用图解法讨论了层状岩体中锯齿状脱离面随层理面倾角变化时的相互关系。

    On the basis of Goodman and Shi Gen Hua 's Study , the dip angles interrelation between serrated shedding planes and bedding planes in stratified rock is discussed in this paper with graphic method .

  2. 在起裂位置上,轴向受控于最弱层理面,在径向上则受控于煤的最小抗拉强度和垂直侧向应力系数。

    Tensile strength and the vertical side stress coefficient along radial .

  3. 层状岩体中锯齿面与层理面倾角间的关系

    The Relationship between Dip Angles of Serrate planes and Beddings in Stratified Rock

  4. 油气水以混相涌流方式为主,孔隙、微裂隙和微层理面是油气运移的通道;

    Hydrocarbon and water spill into the reservoirs in the mixing pattern through pore , fracture and joint fissure .

  5. 层理面引起的各向异性特征、渗流场与应力场的耦合作用等诸多因素使得软岩工程的稳定性分析变得异常复杂。

    Anisotropy induced by the bedding surface , seepage coupled with the stress and many other factors make the stability analysis of soft rock extremely complex .

  6. 根据横观各向同性介质波动理论,结合波速、波幅的变化规律分析,通过纵波探头平测法,测试了有较大平面的岩块横波在层理面内的偏振波速。

    According to the theory of wave crack , the variation rules of wave speed and amplitude , by use of the compressional-wave probe , the polarizing wave speed of rock with large plane is obtained .

  7. 对于薄层状青云石矿,密集的、强度较低的层理面严重影响切割爆破效果,不能沿用块状石材的切割爆破方法,因此需要进一步试验研究。

    For thin-layered Qingyun-stone ore , the dense and lower strength bedding faces influence greatly the effect of cutting blasting , so the cutting blasting technology for massive stone can 't be used to cut this stone , and its blasting technique needs further experimental studies .

  8. 从岩石在单轴压应力状态下的性态和岩石工程问题的应用出发,论述了黑灰色钙质页岩岩块层理结构面夹角θ对其破坏特征、强度特性和变形性态的影响。

    The effects of the angle θ between structural surfaces on the characteristics of failure , strength and deformation of the dark-gray calcium-skate are discussed from the angles of rock behavior under uniaxial compression stress state and engineering problem of rocks .

  9. 根据岩心观察和粒度等资料,工区内发育有丰富的浅湖风暴沉积,主要有截切构造、渠模、丘状交错层理和冲刷面等典型的风暴成因构造。

    On the basis of core observation , grain analysis and the other data , the work area develops abundant tempestites , and the main types of tempestite sedimentary characteristics have been identified , including truncated structure , gutter cast , hummocky cross-stratification and scouring surface .

  10. D2期形变造就了区域性宏观面理构造和松源复背斜,岩石面理产状不代表原始沉积层理,属轴面叶理。

    The regional foliation and Songyuan anticline were formed by deformation D2 . The foliation of rocks does not represent the original stratification and belongs to axial foliation .

  11. 砂岩层理发育丰富,主要有交错层理、水平层理、平行层理、冲刷面和植物茎叶化石等。

    The beddings of sandstones developed in varied ways , among which cross bedding , horizontal bedding , parallel bedding , bed scour and fossils of plant stems and leaves took the majority .