
cénɡ luán
  • range upon range of hills
层峦 [céng luán]
  • [peaks rising one higher than another] 重叠的山岭

  • 层峦叠嶂

  • 层峦叠翠

  • 层峦起伏

  1. 群峰层峦叠翠岩,峭壁林立。

    The mountain has numerous peaks and steep cliffs .

  2. 金花地区层峦迭蟑,山势雄奇,多处悬崖峭壁,沟深谷险。

    Zhang Jinhua region Cengluan again and again , because of Xiongqi , many cliffs , deep groove risk .

  3. 尽管也有几条崎岖山路通向瀑布,但你却无法穿透层峦耸翠的遮挡,一窥瀑布全貌。

    Although there are rough trails leading to them , the area 's dense vegetation makes it impossible to view the entire length of the falls from ground level .