
  • 【电影】Stalker;prowler
  1. 我只有一个潜行者,他有不在场证明。

    I only have one stalker , and he has an alibi .

  2. 潜行者专注于使用间谍,掩饰,和诡计去摧毁敌人。

    The Lurker focuses on spies , cloaks and subterfuge to devastate opponents .

  3. 让我举个潜行者的例子;

    Allow me to use an example with Rogues ;

  4. 潜行者开始会是一个商人,快速建造起他自己的船。

    The lurker begins as a trader , building his ship up quickly .

  5. 永不止息的夜暗潜行者&美国陆军第160特遣队

    Night Stalkers Never Quit Task Force 160

  6. 地底潜行者可能是所有在无底之路生活的生物中最奇怪的一种。

    Possibly the strangest of all the creatures found in the Deep Roads is the deepstalker .

  7. 潜行者有几个种类。

    Stalkers come in several types .

  8. 此外,这个天赋不会在队友打出暴击之后取消潜行者的吃喝。

    In addition , it no longer cancels eating and drinking if a party member gains a critical strike while it is active .

  9. 一些暗影潜行者甚至可以发展到用其它器官来视物,即便不依赖眼睛也能做到。

    Some Shade-stalkers also develop the ability to see with their other senses , allowing them to operate effectively without ever relying on their eyes .

  10. 这正是艺术的魅力所在,“潜行者”的期盼,光明正大的“阴谋论”。

    This is the enchanting thing about art : the expectations of the " sleepers ", and the great and just " conspiracy theory " .

  11. 致盲(潜行者)现在和恐惧效果公用递减,但是不再和德鲁伊的旋风共享递减。

    Blind ( Rogue ) is now in the same diminishing returns category as Fear effects , but no longer shares diminishing returns with Cyclone ( Druid ) .

  12. 暗影潜行者是那些生下来和血亲一样有畏惧阳光的弱点,却又和其他人不尽相同的迪洛矮人。他们能够在黑暗中完全视物。

    Shade-stalkers are derro born with the same vulnerability to the sun as their kin but unlike other derro , with an improved ability to see in complete darkness .

  13. 老弱妇孺组成最低阶层,他们很少得到关注,其中太阳勇士和阴影潜行者是例外。

    Children , women , elderly and lame make up the lowest caste and receive very little care or attention , with exceptions being made for those that are Sun-braversor Shade-stalkers .

  14. 艺术的恩惠为“潜行者”预备着一份憩息之水滨的想象,使得人们能想象现实之外仍有救赎之可能。

    The saving grace of art is that it provides these " sleepers " with the idea of a shore to rest on , so that they can imagine the possibility of redemption somewhere beyond reality .

  15. 不过,像所有优秀的潜行者,你会从你的间谍网中得到你的利益,去突袭你的敌人,或将你得到的信息买给最高的竞价者。

    However , like all good lurkers , eventually , you will take the advantage you have gained from your spy network , and assault an opponent , or sell the information to the highest bidder .