
  • 网络the Silver Age
  1. 纳博科夫与白银时代俄国文化精神

    Nabokov and the Spirit of the Silver Age

  2. 青铜时代,白银时代,黄金时代,皆融会贯通之时代!

    Be it the bronze age , the silver age or the gold age , finance talks to all ages !

  3. 白银时代俄罗斯文学在中国的接受

    Russian Literature of the Silver Period : its Reception in China

  4. 接下来的是逊于黄金时代的白银时代。

    The Silver Age came next , inferior to the golden .

  5. 论白银时代俄国文化的超时代性

    On the Transcendental Characteristics of the Russion Culture at the Age of White Silver

  6. 跨世纪的辉煌乐章&俄罗斯白银时代文学探究

    A Cross Century Splendid Movement & Probe into the literature of the silver times in Russia

  7. 白银时代。

    The Age of Silver .

  8. 大洋洲是在地理大发现的白银时代才呈现在欧洲人面前的。

    Only during the Silver Age of the Great Geographical Discovery did Oceania appear to the eyes of the Europeans .

  9. 艺术的杂交与融合&白银时代俄国诗坛诗歌与音乐的联姻

    The Hybrid and Blend of the Art s : The Allied Art of Poetry and Music in Silver Age in Russia

  10. 第三章结合白银时代象征主义的诗学理论,进一步分析了阿赫玛托娃诗歌风格转变的必然性和自觉性。

    Part three combines the poetic theory of Russian symbolism to reveal the inevitability and consciousness of the transform of AxmalloBa .

  11. 随着对于白银时代的再认识、再定义,相信这个时代的设计必然走向经典。

    With the re-understanding and redefining process of the Silver Age , I believe the designs of this age will become classics .

  12. 在19-20世纪之交,俄罗斯文学出现了再辉煌的“白银时代”。

    At the turn between the19th and the20th century ," the silver age ", another flourishing period in Russian literature , came .

  13. 白银时代是俄罗斯文化史上由近代向现代转换的大时代,也是一个创作大繁荣的时代。

    Silver Age is a great age when Russian culture turns from modern time to contemporary time and also an age when literature productions flourishes .

  14. 长诗的时间分为三种:象征白银时代的1913年、铁的20世纪的现在以及历史本身。

    There are three kinds of time in the Poem : 1913 as the symbol of Silver Age , the real 20th century and history itself .

  15. 然而,由于受前苏联的影响,白银时代的文学曾一度被我国评论界冷落或忽视;

    However , as a result of former Soviet Union 's influence , the Silver Age literature is once desolated or neglected by our country 's commentary stratum ;

  16. 在对俄罗斯现代化出路的理论探索中,虽然白银时代宗教哲学家经历了从对马克思主义的迷恋、嫁接到质疑和转变阶段,但这种质疑与转变并非意味着对马克思主义学说的简单抛弃。

    These religious philosophers of Silver Age did not simply abandon Marxism , though they all experienced the fever , the grafting , the questioning and the giving up of Marxism .

  17. 然而,俄国文化学本质上是要建立一种新的文化理念,于是重新认识世界与俄国文化史成为其中的重要内容,白银时代和苏联时代的文化才能得到新的诠释。

    Russian culturology essentially builds the new cultural idea . It means that cultural history of the world and Russia and the culture in silver and age Soviet and are reinterpreted .

  18. 辩证地看待白银时代文化对传统文化的传承性和现代意义,以说明其之所以兴盛的内在原因。

    It comments dialectically on the Silver Age 's transmission of the traditional culture and its modern significance , which conveys the essential reason for the prosperity of the Silver Age .

  19. 我借用白银时代这一概念来描述20世纪二三十年代中国在平面设计领域形成的文化局面,是基于发展的角度。

    Based on a developing view , I borrow the concept of " Silver Age " to describe the cultural situation shaped in 1920 's-30 's in the field of graphic design in China .

  20. 作为一个在俄罗斯生活了二十年的俄裔美国作家,纳博科夫不可避免地受到俄罗斯传统文化,特别是白银时代文化和传统美学的影响。

    As a Russian-born American writer who had lived in Russia for twenty years , Nabokov was inevitably influenced by the traditional Russian culture , especially by the culture and traditional aesthetics of the Silver Period .

  21. 它与俄白银时代的文学一样表现出几大精神特质:现代精神、叛逆精神和创新精神,开启了中国20世纪现代人文精神。

    Like the Russian literature in the silver times , the 5 · 4 new literature three characters of spirits , modernity , rebellion and creation . It marks modern humane spirits in the 20th century .

  22. 白银时代宗教哲学家面对着世纪的动荡、时代的转换、精神的危机和价值的虚无,力图为俄罗斯探索出一条独特的现代化之路。

    Facing the chaos of time , the transition of era , the spiritual crisis and the nihility of values , these religious philosophers of Silver Age attempted to find a special way out for the modernization of Russia .

  23. 通过上述分析,得出白银时代文学作品中知识分子形象与之前知识分子形象之所以发生从拯救到被拯救的内在转变,正是当时社会知识分子内在思想转变的表现。

    Through this analysis , obtained the Silver Age literature and intellectuals in most cases , before the image of intellectuals to be saved from Save the internal changes within the consciousness of intellectuals of that time thinking of changing performance .

  24. 白银时代是一个特殊的俄罗斯文化复兴时期,虽然它仅仅存在了三十多年,但却体现了俄罗斯文学和文化由近代向现代转型的时代特征。

    The Silver Age is a special Russian culture revival time , although it has existed merely for more than 30 years , but actually has manifested the Russian literature and the culture the time characteristic which reforms to the modern age by the modern times .

  25. 《白银时代》作为反乌托邦小说,以未来虚拟世界来结构故事、表达情感,并将历史与现实的因子融入到未来场景中去,反思与批判意义凸显。

    Silver Age is one of the " anti-utopian " novels , which expressing feelings according to the structure of the virtual world in the future . The factor of history and reality was written into the scene of the future to highlight the significance of reflection and criticism .

  26. 青年时代是黄金的,壮年时代是白银的,老年时代是灰铅的。

    In youth the hours are golden in mature years they are silver , in old age they are leaden .

  27. 黄金和白银的起伏不定的价格接下来的是逊于黄金时代的白银时代。

    The fluctuating value of gold and silver . The Silver Age came next , inferior to the golden .