
  • 网络Submarine Warfare;Submarine Warfare.pdf
  1. 要掌握潜艇战这样复杂的科目需要数年的时间。

    Complex subjects like submarine warfare take years to master .

  2. 陆战将变得象是潜艇战&围绕的主题将是发现和追踪敌人的潜艇。

    Land warfare will become analogous to submarine warfare - it is all about finding and tracking the submarine .

  3. 到1961年,反潜艇战和反叛乱就成为他们选中的两个题目。

    By 1961 anti-submarine warfare and counterinsurgency were their favorite candidates .

  4. 核潜艇战损修理研究

    Study of repair of damaged nuclear submarine in war

  5. 希特勒抱怨说,这一发明是潜艇战遭到覆灭的原因。

    Hitler complained that this single invention was the ruin of the U-boat campaign .

  6. 在潜艇战中,空军的致敌于死命的威力还没有发挥出来。

    The lethal power of the air in U-boat warfare was yet to come .

  7. 会前,英国明知意大利是潜艇战的罪魁,还积极邀请其参加会议。

    Before the meeting , Britain knew that Italy was the chief criminal of submarine war , but invited it take part in this meeting actively .

  8. 在反潜艇战中,空中的武器现在已和水面的舰艇并驾齐驱。水面舰艇对潜搜索仿真与分析(英文)

    In anti-U-boat warfare the air weapon was now an equal partner with the surface ship . Analysis and Simulation of Submarine-searching Operation of Surface Ships ;

  9. 会议期间,英国不仅未指出意大利是潜艇战所造成损失的责任者,而且还在第勒尼安海为它划出巡逻区。

    On the meeting , Britain hadn 't pointed out that Italy should bear responsibility for submarine war , but lined out the patrol borough for it .

  10. 在分析核潜艇战损修理特点的基础上,对核潜艇实施战损修理的可行方案作了探讨,并提出提高核潜艇战损修理水平的若干建议。

    Based on analysis to characters for repair of war-damaged nuclear submarine , this paper gives the plan for such repair and some suggestion to raise repair level .

  11. 美国当时作为一个中立国,直到德国不放弃潜艇战以及使墨西哥进入与美国的战争,美国开始进入战争。

    The USA in that time as a neutral , when germany 's unlimited submarine warfare and germany 's attempt to get Mexico into the war against the United states , the USA entry into the war .

  12. 在2002年的国际潜艇和反潜战会议上,雷声公司和美国海军水下战中心的专家介绍了MK54鱼雷的现状和今后的发展计划。

    During the Underwater Warfare : Subs & ASW conference in2002 , the experts from Raytheon Integrated De-fense Systems and NUWC introduced MK54 program status and future developing plan .

  13. 无人水下平台对潜艇网络中心战能力的影响

    Influences of the UUV on the Submarine 's NCW Capability

  14. 该文件说,北韩的计划依靠自己的核武器,它的远程火炮,潜艇,网络战和特种部队,以对付南方的高技术军队。

    The document says North Korea 's plans to rely on its nuclear weapons , its long-range artillery , submarines , cyber-warfare and special forces to counter the South 's high-technology military .

  15. 坦克,潜艇和天然气战加剧。

    Tank , submarine and gas warfare intensifies .