
zhàn liè xún yáng jiàn
  • Battlecruiser;battle cruiser
战列巡洋舰[zhàn liè xún yáng jiàn]
  1. 他们行至朴次茅斯,在那里登上了英国皇家海军“声望号”战列巡洋舰。

    They travelled to Portsmouth , where they embarked on the battle cruiser HMS Renown

  2. 而战列巡洋舰则是大型的,机械的,重甲。

    Though Battlecruisers would be massive , mechanical , and armored .

  3. 无法阻止沙恩霍斯特号和格奈泽鲁号战列巡洋舰在光天化日之下驶过多佛尔。

    Yet this did not prevent the Scharnhorst and Gneisenau passing Dover in broad daylight .

  4. “6月8日,在最后从纳维克撤退时,英国的光荣号航空母舰,被德国的沙恩霍斯特号和格奈泽鲁号战列巡洋舰击沉。

    In the final withdrawal from Narvik , the aircraft carrier Glorious was sunk by the Scharnhorst and the Gneisenau on 8 June .