
  • 网络strategic depth
  1. 欧洲国家通过均势来寻求安全;俄罗斯则通过战略纵深来寻求安全。

    European states seek security in balance ; Russia seeks it in strategic depth .

  2. 巴基斯坦总是觉得:在任何与印度的冲突中都有战略纵深的需要。

    Pakistan has always felt the need for strategic depth in any conflict with India .

  3. 新加坡国土面积小,人口密度大,资源稀缺,缺乏战略纵深。

    Singapore is a nation with small land , dense population and scarce resources , which lacks strategic depth .

  4. 美国欲借“反恐”之名,行霸权之实,使中国的地缘安全面临极大挑战。为此,中国必须妥善应对,积极营造周边安全环境,加强我国战略纵深依托。

    Faced with the great challenge of regional security , China must properly and actively make a safe surrounding environment to rely on .

  5. 要依托西部民族地区的资源优势和区位优势,构筑保障国家经济安全的战略纵深。

    Moreover , we should take the advantage of resources and location of the Western Territory of Nationality to arrange a strategy for national economic security .

  6. 塔利班的势力达到自2002年遭到溃败后的顶峰,它背靠在巴基斯坦的战略纵深,并且拟下了一长串的“通敌者”黑名单。

    The Taliban are at their strongest since being routed in 2002 , with strategic depth in Pakistan and a long list of " collaborators " on their hit list .

  7. 回顾新疆50年经济的发展,在我国改革开放、市场经济、西部大开发和国际化战略的纵深进程中,在稳定与发展的博弈下,新疆经济不断发展。

    Reviewing the past 50 years ' economic development in Xinjiang , it develops rapidly with stability and progress in the background of China 's reform and open policy , market economy , development of western regions and internationalized strategy .

  8. 冷战的结束,使得美国的全球安全环境以及亚太安全环境发生了历史性的巨变,美国在当时已经失去了与之挑战的战略对手,而且还赢得了梦寐以求的战略纵深。

    The United States had lost the challenge of strategic rivals at that time , and also won the dream of strategic depth .