
zhàn fú yínɡ
  • POW Camp;prison camp;prisoners-of war camp;camp of prisoners of war
  1. 战俘营被委婉地称作“再训练中心”。

    The prison camps were euphemistically called ' retraining centres ' .

  2. 作者描绘出一幅冷酷而真实的战俘营生活画面。

    The author paints a stark picture of life in a prison camp .

  3. 麦凯恩在越南的战俘营里度过了5年半的时间。

    McCain spent five and a half years in a prisoner of war camp in Vietnam .

  4. 伦敦上一次举办奥运会是在1948年,当时运动员入住的是以前的军队医院、战俘营、学生公寓以及在里士满公园(RichmondPark)临时搭建的帐篷。

    The last time London hosted the Olympics , in 1948 , the athletes were housed in former military hospitals and prisoner-of-war camps , student halls and a bunch of tents in Richmond Park .

  5. 澳大利亚小说家理查德·弗拉纳根于周二凭小说《通往深远北方的窄路》(TheNarrowRoadtotheDeepNorth)获得布克奖,小说讲述了一位被拘押在日军战俘营,被迫修建泰缅铁路的澳大利亚外科医生的悲惨故事。

    The Australian novelist Richard Flanagan was awarded the Man Booker Prize on Tuesday for " The Narrow Road to the Deep North , " which tells the harrowing story of an Australian surgeon who is held in a Japanese P.O.W. camp and is forced to work on the Thailand-Burma Railway .

  6. 他如今“因为政治原因”在西伯利亚的战俘营[4]中服刑&伊格尔·舒瓦洛夫(IgorShuvalov),一位相当直率的克里姆林宫内助理如是告诉本报。

    He is now in a Siberian prison camp & " for political reasons ", according to Igor Shuvalov , a remarkably candid Kremlin aide .

  7. 小说的叙事有时发生在战俘营中,军医多利格·埃文斯(DorrigoEvans)拼命求生,同时回忆着自己同年轻的婶婶的一段风流韵事,有时又切换到现代的澳大利亚,埃文斯已经垂垂老矣。

    The narrative toggles back and forth between the prisoner-of-war camp , where the surgeon , Dorrigo Evans , struggles to survive and remembers a love affair with his uncle 's young wife , and contemporary Australia , where Evans is an old man .

  8. 电影根据LauraHillenbrand的小说拍摄。电影讲述了LouisZamperini的经历:飞机在二战时坠毁,在日本人的战俘营关押了两年半。

    The movie , like the book by Laura Hillenbrand , is the story of Louis Zamperini , a former Olympic runner whose plane crashed in the Pacific during World War II and who wound up spending two and half years as a prisoner of the Japanese .

  9. 告诉人们这是在战俘营受的伤

    " These wounds I had on crispian 's day . "

  10. 在这个战俘营的生存概率还要小。

    The odds against survival in this camp are even worse .

  11. 那座战俘营正好位于我们推进的路线正前方。

    Our axis of advance is headed right for that camp .

  12. 我认为在战俘营中军官会受到较好的待遇。

    I thought officers would get better treatment in prison camps .

  13. 战争期间他被囚禁在战俘营里。

    During the war he was held in a prison camp .

  14. 这个桥看上去离战俘营有1英里远。

    Looks Iike this bridge is a miie away from the camp .

  15. 你去管理苏格兰的战俘营。

    You 're going to run a p.o.w.camp in scotland .

  16. 刚从战俘营里释放出来的士兵。

    Soldiers who have recently been released from prison camps .

  17. 该死,看来他们在增援战俘营。

    Damn , iooks Iike they 're reinforcing the camp .

  18. 安济奥是欧洲最廉价的战俘营。

    Anzio is the cheapest POW camp in europe .

  19. 你将带领我们进入那个战俘营。

    You 're gonna lead us into that prison .

  20. 没能活着走出越南战俘营的人是那些乐观主义者。

    The men who didn 't survive the Vietnamese camps were the optimists .

  21. 曼梯·里在行军中幸存下来,在日本的战俘营里呆了3年。

    ML survived the march and nearly three years in Japanese prison camps .

  22. 战俘营的旁边有一个小弹药库。

    The enemy hasinstalled a small ammunitions depot close to the pow camp .

  23. 杰克在战俘营里梦见故乡。

    Jack dreamed of home from his prisoner-of-war camp .

  24. 我只想要战俘营中那些孩子的承认。

    The oniy recognition I want is from those boys in that camp .

  25. 关于沈阳英美盟军战俘营之史实再考订

    A New Textual Criticism on the Historical Facts of Shenyang Anglo-American POW Camp

  26. 他们似乎要去战俘营。

    Looks Iike they 're heading towards the camp .

  27. 唯一的成果是在战俘营中我似乎成了一个名人。

    All I have achieved is a certaln dubious celebrity among the prisoners .

  28. 这里并不是真的战俘营。

    Here is not really a prison camp .

  29. 明天你们大多数都要转移到一个新的战俘营,开始新的工作。

    Most of you move on tomorrow to a new camp and new construction .

  30. 这是宪兵,我想他们朝战俘营方向去了。

    They 're kempei tai . I think they 're heading towards the camp .