
zhàn shì
  • soldier;warrior;fighter;combatant;man;champion
战士 [zhàn shì]
  • (1) [soldier]∶士兵

  • 新入伍的战士

  • 战士还者。--《资治通鉴》

  • (2) 又

  • 江夏战士

  • (3) [fighter]∶泛指从事某种正义事业的人

  • 白衣战士

战士[zhàn shì]
  1. 作为战士,他表现出了对其天职的无私奉献。

    As a soldier , he showed selfless devotion to duty .

  2. 这个战士枪法准。

    This soldier is a crack [ dead ] shot .

  3. “自由战士”是个带有主观判断的词。

    ‘ Freedom fighter ’ is a value-laden word .

  4. 为当地阵亡的战士举行了纪念仪式。

    A service was held in remembrance of local soldiers killed in the war .

  5. 许多战士白白地牺牲了。

    Many soldiers died needlessly .

  6. 战争期间,琼帮妈妈给战士们织围巾。

    During the war , Joan helped her mother knit scarves for soldiers

  7. 我们一直在培训我们的战士,以使他们适应普通的社会生活。

    We have been preparing our fighters to adjust themselves to civil society

  8. 把公墓建成阵亡战士的永久性纪念碑的工作已经开始。

    Work began on establishing the cemeteries as permanent memorials to the fallen .

  9. 英勇的战士们为恢复和平献出了生命。

    The gallant soldiers lost their lives so that peace might reign again .

  10. 她最早的记忆是在4岁时为受伤的战士唱歌。

    Her earliest memory is of singing at the age of four to wounded soldiers

  11. 9,000多名退伍的男女战士列队行进而过,以悼念他们倒下的同志。

    Over nine-thousand ex-servicemen and women marched past in tribute to their fallen comrades .

  12. 他是一位可敬的战士。

    He is a redoubtable fighter .

  13. 赫克是一个为种族平等而战的坚强战士。

    Huck was a sturdy fighter for racial equality .

  14. 英勇的战士们赢得了永恒的荣誉。

    The brave soldiers earned everlasting glory .

  15. 战士们守卫边疆,防止外敌入侵。

    Soldiers guard the frontier against invasion .

  16. 敌人猛攻,但我们的战士屹然不动。

    The enemy attacked fiercely , but our men stood firm .

  17. 战士们与敌人展开了肉搏。

    The soldiers were engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy .

  18. 我军战士消灭了300名敌军。

    Our soldiers annihilated a force of three hundred enemy troops .

  19. 战士们击退了敌人所有进攻。

    The soldiers beat back all the attacks of the enemy .

  20. 这些战士个个都是好样的。

    Each and every one of these soldiers has proved his mettle .

  21. 战士们准备进行一场恶战。

    The soldiers got ready for a fierce battle .

  22. 这本小说描写了一个战士的成长。

    The novel portrays the growth of a fighter .

  23. 她倾心于那个肩膀宽阔,声音深沉的战士。

    She lost her heart to the soldier with the broad shoulders and the deep voice .

  24. 二战士左上。

    Enter left two soldiers .

  25. 战士们迎着烈火前进。

    The soldiers came on in the face of heavy fire .

  26. 战士们退下来等待着下一次进攻。

    The soldiers drew off and waited for the next attack .

  27. 战士们正在悬崖的突出部分匍匐而行。

    The soldiers were inching along a ledge on a cliff .

  28. 我方战士英勇地同敌人展开肉搏战。

    Our soldiers bravely fought hand to hand with the enemy .

  29. 两个战士被派出去侦察敌情。

    Two men were sent out to scout the enemy 's movements .

  30. 战士们迫使敌人遭受沉重损失退了回去。

    The soldiers drove back the enemy with heavy losses .