
zǒng lù xiàn
  • general line of the party
总路线 [zǒng lù xiàn]
  • [general line of the pary] 党和国家在某个历史阶段指导全盘的基本准则,是制定各方面具体工作路线和政策的总依据

  • 新时期的总路线

总路线[zǒng lù xiàn]
  1. 这是赞成总路线吗?

    Can this be called " support for the general line "?

  2. 按照党的总路线,是要过渡到社会主义。

    The Party 's general line prescribes transition to socialism .

  3. 实验结果表明,二阶段TSP算法能够快速得到更加均衡且总路线总长度较短的移动路径,基于搜索的最小移动节点数求解方法能够快速得到巡航覆盖最小移动节点数上界值。

    The experiment results show that two-phase TSP algorithm can quickly get equilibrium and short paths , and the search based method for getting the minimum number can quickly get the minimum number upper bound of mobile sensors .

  4. 浅谈先工业化后社会主义化与过渡时期总路线的关系

    A Brief Talk on the Relationship Between Early Industrialization and Late Socialization

  5. 批判离开总路线的右倾观点

    Refute Right deviationist views that depart from the general line

  6. 党在过渡时期的总路线

    The party 's general line for the transition period

  7. 这条总路线是照耀我们各项工作的灯塔。

    This general line is a beacon illuminating our work in all fields .

  8. 在全国讨论总路线。

    Let the whole nation discuss the general line .

  9. 总路线就是逐步改变生产关系。

    The general line means a gradual change in the relations of production .

  10. 党的五条总路线对中国社会生产力的影响

    The Influence of the Party 's Five General Lines on Chinese Social Productivity

  11. 党对国家资本主义过渡途径的探索&制定党在过渡时期总路线的重要认识环节

    The Party 's Exploration for the Ways of Transiting The National Capitalist Industry

  12. 不就是总路线的问题吗?

    Isn 't it that of the general line ?

  13. 你忘记了我们的总路线了!

    You 're forgetting our general line !

  14. 你批评到总路线,你这右倾的错误是很严重的!

    You 're criticizing the Party line ! This rightist deviation of yours is very serious !

  15. 关于过渡时期总路线提出的时机和条件

    On the Opportune Time and Conditions for Bringing Forward the General Line for the Transition Period

  16. 同一战线工作历来是为党的总路线建设和服务的。

    The work of the United Front has always been serving the party 's general line and construction .

  17. 总路线也可以说就是解决所有制的问题。

    In a sense the purpose of the general line is the solution of the problem of ownership .

  18. 不要脱离这条总路线,脱离了就要发生左倾或右倾的错误。

    Do not depart from this general line , otherwise " Left " or Right mistakes will occur .

  19. 这就是党的最广泛的民族统一战线策略的总路线。

    Such is the general line of the Party 's tactics for the broadest possible national united front .

  20. 贯彻落实过渡时期总路线是粮食统购统销政策出台的政治动因。

    The political motivation of introducing the monopoly for purchase and sale policy is implementing the general line of transition .

  21. 1953&1977年以两个总路线为代表的传统社会主义发展观;

    The traditional socialist concept of development represented by the two " General Lines " between the years 1953 and 1977 ;

  22. 总路线,总纲领,工业化,社会主义改造,十月开会,要讲一下。

    The general line , the general programme , industrialization and socialist transformation should be discussed at the forthcoming October conference .

  23. 党的总路线是正确的,是没有问题的,党的工作也是有成绩的。

    The general line of the Party is correct and presents no problem , and the Party 's work has been fruitful .

  24. 比较典型的方式是与总路线教育结合起来,这种动员形式起到了很好的作用,达到很好的效果。

    The more typical approaches that combine with the general line of education and mobilization play a good role in achieving good results .

  25. 发展国民经济的第一个五年计划是实现党的总路线的一个重大的步骤。

    The First Five-Year Plan for the Development of the National Economy is a major step towards the realization of the Party 's general line .

  26. 党在过渡时期的总路线就是要建立一个伟大的社会主义国家,财政要保证这一点。

    The Party 's general line for the transition period is to build a great socialist country , which must be guaranteed through maintaining proper finances .

  27. 中期目标宣传以中央的路线、方针为宣传内容,如一边倒和过渡时期总路线的宣传即属此例。

    The content of the medium-term goal of propaganda was the central line and principles such like One-sided diplomacy and General Line in the Transition Period .

  28. 总路线的问题,没有七、八月间的财经会议,许多同志是没有解决的。

    But for the Conference on Financial and Economic Work held in July and August , the question of the general line would have remained unsettled for many comrades .

  29. 第一章,对党提出过渡时期总路线的国内环境及民众对总路线的认识态度的历史背景进行分析。

    The first part , the analysis of the historical background of the party proposed transitional line domestic environment and public understanding of the attitude of the general line .

  30. 新税制发展下去,势必离开马克思列宁主义,离开党在过渡时期的总路线,向资本主义发展。

    That system , if allowed to develop , would have led inevitably to capitalism , in contravention of Marxism-Leninism and the Party 's general line for the transition period .