
zǒnɡ diàn
  • Head Office;main store
  1. 这些货我们可以由总店供应。

    We can supply the goods from our main store .

  2. 这里是总店旗下盈利最高的支店。

    This is the most profitable branch under the main store .

  3. 特许经营总店经营着三个零售商场,而特许经营分店则经营着另外两个小型零售商店。

    The master franchise runs three units and sub - franchise two other outlet .

  4. 主人告诉我们泰满贯的总店座落在深圳。

    Aswe dine we 're informed that Shenzhen also hosts a branch of thisrestaurant .

  5. 明天总店将派员考察各加盟店的销售情况。

    The head office will appoint some people to inspect the sales of all franchises .

  6. 总店在市区,但郊区还有分店。

    The main store is in town , but there are branches in the suburbs .

  7. 雪人烤鸭总店决定不准再建新的连锁店。

    The Yeti Roast Duck Office has decided to have a clampdown on building new chain stores .

  8. 你关于洗衣机的意见已有人办理,总店正负责处处理这事。

    Your complaint about the washing machine is being attended to : Head office have the matter in hand .

  9. 有着多位出色的艺术家支持,我们将会把作品在画廊的总店及分店同时展出。

    With the extended number of participating artists , we will be showcasing the exhibition at both our main gallery and branch locations .

  10. 公司又将有分店开业,与此同时,总店也装修完成。

    A new branch of the company is going to be opened . Meanwhile , the decoration of its main store has been finished .

  11. 另一方面要保证分布在不同位置的门店与总店之间能够相互传递数据,故采用B/S结构。

    On the other hand to ensure that the distribution in different locations between outlet stores and mutual transmission of data , the use of B / S structure .

  12. 主要15家海外品牌企业的销售额占连锁百强销售总额的18%,达到1825亿元,增长了28%,店铺数量了增长17%,达到3956家,占连锁百强总店铺数的3.7%。

    18 percent came from 15 major overseas brands , an increase of 28 percent , the number of shops increased 17 % to 3956 , accounting for general shops number of 3.7 % .

  13. 新华书店总店连接了500余家出版社和数量很大的新华书店新华书店分店,其采购计划、图书的发货及退货管理水平,将极大影响到我国出版发行业的效率。

    Xinhua head bookstore connected more than 500 publishing press and dozens of retail bookstores . Purchasing plan and book delivery management level of Xinhua head bookstore will greatly influence the efficiency of publication industry .

  14. 论文不仅从理论上对此系统的一些技术作了详细的研究,而且依据这些理论实现了此系统的总店与分店的库存保持一致性和各个分店查询一致性功能。

    Not only has the system technology been theoretically studied in detail , But also some functions such as keeping consistency in stock and inquiring among distributed shop be realized in this system according to these theories .

  15. 新华书店在全国有2700多家总店和分店,其图书销售额约占全国图书销售总量的60%,已成为国内图书销售的主要渠道。

    Xinhua Bookstore , in our country has more than 2,700 headquarters and branches . The sales of Xinhua bookstore account for 60 % book distribution sales , and it has become the main channel of domestic book sales .