
zǒng liàng
  • total;total amount;aggregate;inventory;quantum;summation
总量 [zǒng liàng]
  • [quantum] 总的数量

  • 即不是总降雨量也不是季降雨量

  • 这个公司总产鞋量

  • 总音量

总量[zǒng liàng]
  1. 美国人吃的巧克力总量最多。

    People in the US eat the most chocolate in total .

  2. 采取严格有力措施,降低污染物排放总量。

    Rigorous measures will be taken to reduce the total pollutant emission .

  3. 他们只是大概知道可用水的总量。

    They have only a vague idea of the amount of water available

  4. 减少体力活动的总量。

    Cut down your overall amount of physical activity

  5. 他们的总量不是太大。

    Their collective volume wasn 't very large .

  6. 我认为,法国将把从日本的最高进口量限制在其市场总量的3%。

    The French , I believe , restrict Japanese imports to a maximum of 3 per cent of their market .

  7. 总量理论是研究从微观模型到宏观模型过渡的理论。

    Aggregation theory is concerned with the transition from micro-to macro-models .

  8. 政府对进口原油的总量规定了上限。

    The government imposed a ceiling on imports of crude oil .

  9. 全球经济活动总量是一年年的递增。

    The world economic aggregate is increasing year by year .

  10. 发达国家产生的垃圾占总量的44%,仅在美国,普通人每个月都会扔掉与自己体重相当的垃圾。

    The developed countries are responsible for 44 % of waste , and in the U.S. alone , the average person throws away their body weight in rubbish every month .

  11. 以百思买为例,由于其最大竞争对手亚马逊和沃尔玛没有专门的回收计划,百思买在回收电子垃圾总量中占比最大。

    Best Buy , for instance , has been bearing the lion 's share of e-waste volume since two of its largest competitors , Amazon and Wal-mart , do not have their own recycling programs .

  12. 在世界其他国家和相当一部分本国人口看来,大规模监禁已经成为美国的特征。需要重申的是,这个国家的人口约占世界人口的5%,但囚犯数量却占世界总量的约四分之一。

    In the eyes of the rest of the world and a significant part of its own population , mass imprisonment has come to define America — a country , it bears repeating , with about 5 percent of the world 's population but around a fourth of the world 's prisoners .

  13. 介绍一种测量大气水汽总量的新方法和仪器

    A new instrument for measuring the total precipitable water in the atmosphere is introduced .

  14. 据统计,学生在学校的活动总量有75%的时间是在课堂上度过的

    Accreting to statistic , 75 percent of students'school time is spent in the class . "

  15. 截至2020年11月15日,全国固体废物进口总量为718万吨。

    From January to Nov 15 , the volume was 7.18 million tons , it added .

  16. 但这些航行的代价是相当多的碳排放,船运产生的碳排放占全球排放总量的3%左右。

    But these voyages come at a considerable cost in carbon , with shipping1 generating around 3 % of all global emissions2 .

  17. 第七次全国人口普查数据显示,2020年,我国有4.93亿人处于“人户分离”的状态。流动人口中15岁至35岁的人员占了总量的70%以上。

    Around 493 million people lived outside their place of household registration in 2020 , with those aged for more than 70 percent .

  18. 实行能源和资源消耗总量和强度的双控是促进经济结构调整和环境保护的必要手段。

    Controlling both the quantity and intensity2 of energy and resources consumption is necessary to promote adjustment of the economic structure and protect the environment .

  19. 稳增长是为了保就业,调控的下限是比较充分的就业。随着总量扩大,经济增长的就业容量扩大了,对波动的容忍度也提高了。

    The government 's important goal of maintaining stable growth is to ensure employment , and the floor of the proper range is to ensure relatively adequate employment .

  20. 与新中国成立初期相比,女党员占比由11.9%提高至28.8%,总量达2745.0万名。

    As of June 5 , the CPC had 27.45 million female members , accounting for 28.8 percent of the total membership , compared with merely 11.9 percent in the early days of New China .

  21. 来自加利福尼亚大学圣塔芭芭拉分校的研究小组估计,经洗涤从衣物上脱落的细线总量达560万吨,其中略多于一半被排入水体。

    The research team from the University of California , Santa Barbara , estimates a total of 5.6 million tonnes has been shed in this way , just over half of which has gone into water bodies .

  22. 或许,我们把那些留不住以后又用不上的信息教给小学生是因为早期的记忆总量是有限的,而那些无用的信息可以让他们的大脑保持更新状态但又不用占据记忆空间。

    Maybe the reason we teach grade schoolers information that won 't be retained or applicable later in life is because memory is generally limited at early ages and useless information helps keep the brain fresh while not allocating memory .

  23. GPS仪器偏差的求解方法及其对电子总量的影响

    The method of estimating instrumental bias and its effect on VTEC

  24. 肺功能检查CO弥散量、潮气量和肺总量下降。

    Pulmonary function tests CO diffusing capacity , tidal volume and lung volume decreased .

  25. TiP2-CuSO4用于凯氏定氮测定食品中蛋白质总量

    TiO_2-CuSO_4 as Kjeldahl Digestion Catalyst in Determination of Total Protein in Foods

  26. 研究表明,随着溶液P素浓度的升高,马尾松各参试种源的苗高生长、P素吸收总量均有不同程度的增加,但其变化因种源而异。

    The results indicated that height growth and the amount of P uptake increased diversely with phosphorus raise for the provenances tested .

  27. 事实上,最主要的解决方式称为总量管制与交易制度(capandtrade),或者说排放量交易制度其实是个大问题。

    In fact , the leading solution , known as cap and trade-or emissions trading-is actually a huge problem .

  28. TSP源解析的回归计算及总量控制分析

    Regression Calculating and Total Amount Control Analysis in TSP Source Apportionment

  29. 介绍了用X射线荧光光谱仪测量催化剂中稀土总量的快速半定量分析方法。

    X-ray fluorescence spectrometric method for rapid semi-quantitative determination of total RE 2O 3 in molecular sieve cracking catalyst is reported .

  30. 应用〔3H〕脯氨酸掺入酶消化法测定MsC细胞内、外胶原蛋白总量;

    Proline incorporation for the bioactive assay of total amount of collagen ;