
hú xū
  • beard;whisker;moustache;bomb
胡须 [hú xū]
  • [beard;moustache;whisker] 胡子。人,通常是成年男人颏(下颌)、两唇及邻接部分上的毛

胡须[hú xū]
  1. 他的胡须扎得她的面颊痒痒的。

    His beard was tickling her cheek .

  2. 他的胡须和鬓发里夹杂着缕缕银丝。

    Threads of silver ran through his beard and the hair at his temples .

  3. 他不停地用手指卷胡须。

    He kept twirling his moustache .

  4. 他下巴上有一小撮胡须。

    He had a small tuft of hair on his chin .

  5. 他的下巴上长着细细的胡须。

    He had a baby fuzz round his jaw .

  6. 比尔精心修剪了他的胡须。

    Bill preened his beard .

  7. 她现在很老了,戴着圆圆的金属架小眼镜,下巴上还长出了胡须。

    She is very old now , with little , round , wire-rimmed glasses and whiskers sprouting from her chin

  8. 他们只得服从剃光胡须的法令。

    They had to obey the decree that beards be shaved off .

  9. 他用假发和假胡须来乔装。

    He disguised himself with a wig and false beard .

  10. 他的白胡须长得过了膝盖。

    His long white beard grew down over his knees .

  11. 人们认为革命者都是满脸胡须,邋里邋遢的。

    People expected revolutionaries to be bearded and unkempt .

  12. 他戴上假发和假胡须时,真把我笑坏了。

    When he put on the wig and false moustache I could have died .

  13. 他脸部受伤后落下一块难看的伤疤,所以他留起胡须把它遮住。

    The wound left a nasty mark on his face , so he grew beard over it to hide it .

  14. 满口发着古怪的誓,胡须长得像豹子一样,

    Full of strange oaths , and bearded like the pard ,

  15. 凛然的眼光,整洁的胡须,

    With eyes severe and beard of formal cut ,

  16. 我爷爷留着胡须。

    My grandfather wears a beard .

  17. 一个已婚男人去拜访他的“女朋友”时,女朋友要求他剃去胡须。

    A married man was visiting his " girlfriend " when she requested that he shave his beard .

  18. 例句那个男人剃掉了一半胡子,只留了半边脸的胡须。

    That man shaved half of his beard off , so he only has hair on one side of his face .

  19. 我说过,他的个子很高,面色发红,满是赘肉,上嘴唇完全被浓密的胡须盖住,看起来就像他只长了下嘴唇似的。

    As I have mentioned , he was large , with a reddened , chubby10 face and whiskers that hid his stiff upper lip completely .

  20. “阿尔塔男”不再关注身上是否有足够的男性特质(力量、强悍、短时间内赢得尊重以及一天之内留出上唇胡须的能力),而是更在意友好、智慧、风趣以及关爱等品质。

    They are less interested in having typically ' masculine ' traits ( strength , toughness , instant respect and the ability to grow a moustache by sundown ) , and are more interested in qualities such as friendliness , intelligence , being interesting and caring .

  21. 布莱恩·H(BrianH.)注意到的第一件事情是,他可以长出真正的胡须来。

    The first thing Brian H. noticed was that he could grow a real beard .

  22. n.胡须;颌毛我祖父的下巴和脸颊上留着长胡子。

    beard My grandfather has a long beard on his chin and cheeks .

  23. 他们称一个训练过的海豹,H只用他的胡须便能够感知100米远的人工鱼。

    They reported that a trained seal , Henry , was able to sense an artificial fish up to100m ( 328ft ) away using just his whiskers .

  24. 胡子会很时尚,但是男人最好不要留Z字形胡须。

    Facial hair can be fashionable , but it 's probably best for men not to rock the ZZ Top look .

  25. 电刺激缰核(Hb)使动脉血压明显升高,同时伴有瞳孔扩大,胡须抖动等交感反应。

    Electrical stimulation of Hb quickly raised the arterial blood pressure , accompanied by other sympathetic reaction , such as mydriasis and pilo erection .

  26. 每周一,他都会在图片分享网站Tumblr和Instagram上传胡须造型照。

    He posts pictures of his sculpted facial hair on Tumblr and Instagram every Monday .

  27. 由PeterBruegger设计的上等瓷骨杯,有六款不同的胡须造型可供选择。

    The fine bone china mugs by Peter Bruegger are available in six different iconic moustache styles .

  28. 正如研究毛发历史的莱特州立大学(WrightStateUniversity)学者克里斯托夫·欧德斯东-莫尔(ChristopherOldstone-Moore)所推断的,“胡须的恐怖联想淡化了,上流人士可以自由自在地蓄须了。”

    As one historian of the hirsute , Christopher Oldstone-Moore of Wright State University , has concluded , " fearful associations of facial hair dissolved , and respectable men were at liberty to let their beards grow . "

  29. 如果您想知道我为何佩戴黑色太阳镜、假胡须和棒球帽(模仿一个专业冰壶球队TheFloatingStones的徽标),那是因为我正在逃亡之中。

    If you 're wondering why I 'm wearing dark sunglasses , a fake moustache , and a baseball cap ( featuring the logo of professional curling team , The Floating Stones ), I 'm on the lam .

  30. 就当大卫·尼文公布伊丽莎白·泰勒荣获奥斯卡最佳影片奖提名时,34岁的罗伯特·欧贝尔肆无忌惮地裸奔冲上颁奖台,炫耀起他的小胡须和男子气概,还大胆地比着V字形手势。毫无疑问,这一举动进一步加固了欧贝尔的历史地位。

    As David Niven introduced Elizabeth Taylor to present the award for Best Picture , 34-year old Robert Opel cemented his place in history as he streaked across the stage flaunting his moustache , manly bits , and a very daring peace sign .