
hú yáng
  • Populus euphratica;Populus diversifolia;diversiform-leaved poplar
胡杨[hú yáng]
  1. 甘肃胡杨林分结构的研究

    Studies on stand structure of diversiform-leaved poplar in Gansu

  2. 塔河下游胡杨和红柳自然恢复的土壤条件初步研究

    Preliminary Research On Soil Conditions of Diversiform-leaved Poplar And Rose Willow Natural Recovering On the low Reaches of Tarim River

  3. P处理下,高浓度的P诱导出更多的胡杨细根量。

    P treatment , High concentrations of P induced more Populus fine root biomass .

  4. P处理可以促进胡杨侧根系向水平方向的拓展,来寻求优质斑块。

    P-treatment may promote Populus lateral root development in the horizontal direction , To seek high-quality plaque .

  5. 额济纳旗近100a来胡杨年表的建立与响应分析

    Establishment of Tree-ring Chronology and Response Analysis in Past 100 Years for Ejin Banner , Inner Mongolia

  6. 室温贮藏带冠毛的胡杨种子,前20d萌发率降低幅度不大。

    Germination percentage of seeds with pappus was not evidently decreased after storage for 20 d.

  7. 室温贮藏40d的带冠毛胡杨种子仍有22.3%的萌发率。

    After 40 days , germination percentage of the seeds with pappus still remained 23.3 % under room temperature .

  8. 胡杨根长密度从河道向两边呈阶梯状递减的规律,在50m处具有最大值,在200m范围内是胡杨根系主要的分布区域。

    Root length density from the river to the ladder on both sides of the river was diminishing . Max at the 50m . Within the scope of 200m is the main distribution of the root system .

  9. 胡杨种子冷藏及播种技术。

    The deepfreeze and sowing seeds technology of Populus euphratica oliv .

  10. 胡杨、灰叶胡杨花空间分布及数量特征

    Spatial distribution and quantative characteristic of Populus emphatic and Populus pruinosa

  11. 因此,解决胡杨幼苗的生长和存活问题是突破胡杨种子更新的关键环节。

    Seeds updated is the key to settle and survive from germination to seedlings .

  12. 我非常喜欢胡杨,它是中华民族坚韧不拔精神的象征。

    I like euphrates poplar because they symbolize the resilience of the Chinese nation .

  13. 超声-微波协同萃取灰叶胡杨花粉中总黄酮的工艺研究超声-微波协同提取姜黄色素的研究

    Study on Ultrasonic-Microwave Synergistic Extraction of Total Flavones from Pollen of Populus pruinosa Schrenk

  14. 结果表明:胡杨种子由种皮、子叶和胚组成。

    Result Showed : a mature seed included seed coat , cotyledon and embryo .

  15. 胡杨主干与一级枝年轮宽度相关性分析

    Analysis on the Relevance between Populus 's Trunk Annual Ring and Their First Branch Annual Ring

  16. 额济纳胡杨林是我国第二大胡杨林,是维系额济纳绿洲存在的重要天然屏障。

    It plays an important role in function and evolution of Populus euphratica forest ecological system .

  17. 在那浩瀚的沙漠中,生长着一种稀有的树种,叫胡杨。

    There , in the boundless desert , grows a rare variety of tree called euphrates poplar .

  18. 由于胡杨种子属于短命种子,在其短暂的活力期内没有适宜的环境条件使之萌发,从而造成种子萌发失败。

    For the ephemeral seeds , there were no favorable condition for germinate during their short lives .

  19. 塔里木胡杨保护区位于塔里木河中游,是世界上胡杨分布最密集,保存最完整的区域。

    The Tarim Populous Euphratica Nature Reserve is located in the middle reach of the Tarim River , Xinjiang .

  20. 内蒙古额济纳绿洲胡杨林生物多样性的研究内蒙古额济纳蒙古族荒漠景观多样性传统知识分析

    Study on the Traditional Knowledge about the Diversity of Desert Landscapes of the Mongolians in the Ejina , Inner Mongolia

  21. 塔里木河和生长在其岸边和支流上的胡杨就是干旱地区生态环境的一个典型。

    An example for such conditions is the Tarim River and the Euphrates Poplar Forests at its banks and branches .

  22. 胡杨根系与塔里木河流域生态环境的关系

    The Study of the Relation Between the Root System of Diversifolious Polar and the Ecological Environment on the Tarim River Valley

  23. 在第四纪早、中期,胡杨逐渐演变成荒漠河岸林最主要的建群种。

    In the early Quaternary , medium , Populus gradually evolved into the most important building in desert riparian forest species .

  24. 说明胡杨幼苗经过抗盐处理后,可以显著地提高抗盐害能力。

    It shows that the salt-resistance ability of the stocks can be raised significantly after they are treated by salt-resistance treatment .

  25. 对塔里木河上游果林地和胡杨林地土壤养分、微生物数量和酶的活性变化进行了研究。

    The soil nutrient , soil microorganisms and soil enzyme activities of soil under five different stands in Alar were studied .

  26. 根系会自动调节分布,单株胡杨根系密度不是对称分布的,随着环境改变而发生一定范围内的变化,表现出一定的可塑性。

    Root system will automatically adjust the distribution . As the environment changes , root system changes accordingly , showing some plasticity .

  27. 结果显示,耕地和城镇居住用地的增加完全来源于对草地的开垦和对荒漠胡杨林的占用。

    It shows that the increasement of cultivated land and living space stem from reclaiming grassland and occupying desert diversiform-leaved poplar forest .

  28. 由于人类对水资源的不合理利用,造成荒漠河岸生态系统的退化甚至崩溃,保护受危胡杨种群已成为当务之急。

    The riparian ecosystems are facing the dangers of degrading or even collapsing due to the unreasoned water utilization by human being .

  29. 胡杨是中亚地区唯一适合生长的乔木,它是大自然漫长进化过程中幸存下来的宝贵物种。

    P.euphratica is only suitable for growth of the central region , it is nature tree long evolutionary process of surviving species .

  30. 目前被誉为世界最古老、面积最大、保存最完整、最原始的胡杨林保护区则在轮台县境内。

    Now known as the world 's oldest , largest and best preserved and most original in the Luntai poplar within protected areas .