
  • 网络Houla;huayra-puhura
  1. 阿胡拉马兹达赐寡人予援助,直至寡人占有此帝国。

    Ahuramazda brought me help , until I gained this empire ;

  2. 赖阿胡拉马兹达之恩宠,列国谨遵寡人的法令;

    By the grace of Ahuramazda these lands have conformed to my decrees ;

  3. 大流士王制曰:阿胡拉马兹达将此帝国授予寡人。

    Thus said Darius , the King : Ahuramazda has granted unto me this empire .

  4. 这部电影的联合主演还有佐伊•索尔达娜(饰乌胡拉)和安东•尤金(饰契诃夫),安东•尤金因车祸离世,年仅27岁,这部电影也是向他人生最后的角色之一致敬。

    Zoe Saldana ( Uhura ) co-stars alongside Anton Yelchin ( Chekov ) , in what was to be his one of his final roles-tributes have been paid to the 27-year-old actor , who died after he was pinned against a wall by his car .

  5. 很明显安南对政府干涉这场似乎还在持续的暴力事件表示十分担忧,不仅仅是指星期五发生的胡拉屠杀事件,该事件使许多平民遇害,并迫使全世界的外交协同国家驱逐利比亚大使。

    So it 's clear that Kofi Annan has expressed concern about the regime 's involvement in what appears to be ongoing violence , not just that incident in Houla on Friday which is shot so many and led to this diplomatic coordination of countries " expelling Syrian envoys around the world .

  6. 我们在胡姆拉的Simikot的头一天

    And on the first day at Simikot in Humla ,

  7. 秘鲁新总统奥拉塔?胡马拉已换掉该国三分之二最资深的警局官员,这次清洗意在将所谓的腐败斩草除根。

    Peru 's new President Ollanta Humala has replaced two thirds of the country 's most senior police officers in a purge designed to root out alleged corruption .

  8. 民族拉弦乐重奏是运用我国传统的拉弦乐器如高胡、二胡、低音二胡、中胡、马头琴等拉弦乐器来演奏重奏乐曲。

    Ensemble of national bowed string instruments refers to music played by traditional bowed string instruments like Gaohu , Erhu , Bass Erhu , Zhonghu and Morin Khur .