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  • 网络Hu Zeng
  1. 为了客观地评价晚唐诗人胡曾的《咏史诗》,对它的“通俗”性进行了深入分析。

    In order to objectively evaluate Yongshi Poet which was written by the late Tang Dynasty poet HU Zeng , this paper analyzes its popularity deeply .

  2. 内塔尼亚胡曾同意在重大政治风险上暂时冻结。

    Netanyahu agreed to a temporary freeze at great political risk .

  3. 上任以来,胡曾尝试将其塑造成更关注社会边缘者的角色。

    Since taking over , Mr Hu has tried to portray himself as more in tune with the concerns of the marginalised .

  4. 但是以色列认为东耶路撒冷是以色列首都的一部分。内塔尼亚胡曾表示,以色列不会停止那里的建设。

    But Israel sees East Jerusalem as part of its capital and Mr. Netanyahu has said Israel will not stop building there .