
  1. 据追踪中国富人的胡润研究院(HurunResearchInstitute)称,去年公布的一项调查显示,约80%的中国富人表示他们计划将孩子送到国外上学。

    In a survey published last year , about 80 % of high-net-worth Chinese individuals said they planned to send their children overseas to study , according to the Hurun Research Institute , which tracks China 's wealthy individuals .

  2. 追踪中国富有人群的研究机构胡润研究院(HurunResearchInstitute)的数据显示,中国目前有约30400名富豪居住在辽宁省(大连是辽宁省的一个主要城市),这也是推动大连高端房地产市场需求的一项因素。

    Also driving demand for high-end properties is the fact that about 30400 of China 's millionaires live in Liaoning province , in which Dalian is a major city , according to the Hurun Research Institute , which tracks China 's wealthy individuals .

  3. 胡润研究院主席研究员RupertHoogewerf说道,“十年前,中国富豪大多不在中国大陆,今天情况完全改变了,比如万达集团董事长王健林就开辟了一条新路。”

    Rupert Hoogewerf , chairman and chief researcher of the Hurun Report , said : " A decade ago , the most successful Chinese were those outside the Chinese mainland . Today that has changed completely , with entrepreneurs like Wang Jianlin of Wanda charting a new path . "

  4. 根据胡润研究院调查数据,王健林的财产主要得益于万达房地产和电影行业。

    The recent listings of Wanda 's real estate and cinema businesses have helped drive Wang 's wealth , according to Hurun 's research .

  5. 中国财富研究公司胡润研究院报告称,中国三分之一顶级富豪(身价1600万美元以上)已经移民。

    The report from Hurun , a wealth research firm that focuses on China , said that one-third of China 's super rich - or those worth $ 16 million or more - have already emigrated .

  6. 《福布斯》报告显示,这一富人群体只有13%在海外投资,不同于先前胡润研究院显示的结果即超过三分之一的中国富豪已经这样做了。

    The Forbes report revealed that only 13 percent of the mass affluent group have invested overseas contrary to previous studies by the Hurun Research Institute which showed over a third of China 's high-net-worth individuals have done so .

  7. 根据胡润研究院最新数据显示,中国大陆富豪占据2015年胡润全球华人富豪排行榜的79.5%,香港占据6.3%,台湾占4.9%。

    According to the latest data from Hurun Research Institute , billionaires from the Chinese mainland accounted for about 79.5 percent of the Hurun Global Chinese Rich List 2015 , followed by 6.3 percent from Hong Kong and 4.9 percent form Taiwan .

  8. 根据胡润研究院调查数据显示,跨越18个国家和地区中,1577个人财富超越20亿人民币(3.126亿美金),其中只有302人不在中国大陆境内。

    Spread across more than 18 countries and regions , Hurun 's research said there were 1577 individuals with personal wealth in excess of 2 billion yuan ( $ 312.6 million ) , and of this 302 were from outside the Chinese mainland .

  9. 周四,胡润研究院发布了品牌榜单,估价447亿美元的腾讯成为今年最有价值的中国品牌,这是腾讯连续第二次位居榜首了。

    Tencent , with an estimated value of $ 44.7 billion , was crowned this year 's Most Valuable Chinese brand on a list released by the Hurun Institute on Thursday , marking the second time in a row it came up on top .

  10. 根据胡润研究院和亚洲国际豪华旅游博览上周一联合发布的《2017中国奢华旅游白皮书》显示,去年,高端游客家庭旅游平均花销为38万元,其中购物消费达22万元。

    According to The Chinese Luxury Traveler 2017 Report - jointly released last Monday by Hurun Research Institute and International Luxury Travel Market Asia - the average upscale traveler spent 380000 yuan on family travel last year , 220000 yuan of which was devoted to shopping .