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  1. 2月28日,49岁的中国建筑师王澍获得2012年普利茨克建筑奖(PritzkerArchitecturePrize),该奖通常被称为建筑界的诺贝尔奖。

    Wang Shu , a 49-year-old Chinese architect , won the 2012 Pritzker Architecture Prize — which is often referred to as the Nobel Prize in architecture — on February 28 .

  2. 获得普利兹克奖(Pritzkerprize)的中国建筑师王澍说,他的同胞们花了30年时间毁坏自己的传统城市。

    Wang Shu , Pritzker-prize-winning Chinese architect , says his compatriots have spent 30 years destroying their own traditional cities .

  3. 穿越曲径迷园&王澍作品解读

    Wandering through a Meandering Garden : Dissecting the Works of Wang Shu

  4. 王澍书学思想研究

    Studies on Wang Shu 's Calligraphy Thought King Lear

  5. 其间,王澍自己又获得了一些关于建筑的新的体验。

    However , he gained some new experiences about architecture during that time .

  6. 但是,王澍说,赋予一个新的城市以生命力非常难。

    But it is hard to give a new city life , says Mr Wang .

  7. 在他自己的工作中,王澍结合现代形态与传统物料和工艺。

    In his own work , Mr Wang combines modern forms with traditional materials and techniques .

  8. 王澍将于5月25日在北京举行的普利兹克奖颁奖晚会上被正式授予这项殊荣。

    Wang will be formally honoured at a Pritzker Prize gala in Beijing on May 25 .

  9. 王澍以博物馆、图书馆等建筑结构的设计享誉中国。

    Wang is recognized for museums , libraries and other structures of his design across China .

  10. 当中国建筑师王澍(普利茨克奖获得者)在宁波建造一个历史博物馆的时候,

    And when the Chinese Pritzker Prize winner Wang Shu was building a history museum in Ningbo ,

  11. 建筑师王澍今年45岁,出生在中国西部地区新疆的乌鲁木齐。

    Architect Wang Shu , 45 , was born in Urumqi , in Xinjiang Province in Western China .

  12. 环境时代的体验性建筑&隈研吾、王澍建筑作品解析

    The Experiencing Architecture in the Environmental Era & Study on the Works of Kengo Kuma and Wang Shu

  13. 此外,王澍和秦蕾分别对实验性建筑教育和当代中国实验性建筑展进行了探讨和回顾。

    Besides , WANG Shu and QIN Lei studies the experimental education and exhibitions in contemporary China respectively .

  14. 王澍的设计通常都没有地域限制,完全可以被移植到休斯顿,阿姆斯特丹或者温哥华。

    The designs are often placeless , and could easily have been in Houston , Amsterdam , or Vancouver .

  15. 但王澍批评了分配地块用于开发项目、往往不顾及周围地段的标准程序。

    But Mr Wang criticised the standard procedure of allocating plots of land for projects often separated from surrounding neighbourhoods .

  16. 让我尤其感到高兴的是,在中国众多的建筑奇才中,王澍得到了认可。

    I am particularly pleased that , of all the great architectural talent in China , Wang was given the nod .

  17. 王澍说,中国人最近开始发问:我们的记忆、我们的生活、我们的文化在哪儿呢?

    Mr Wang says Chinese people have recently begun asking : Where is our memory and our life and our culture ?

  18. 英国广播公司报道,中国建筑师王澍获得今年普利兹克建筑奖,他是首位获此殊荣的中国人。

    Chinese architect Wang Shu has won this year 's Pritzker Architecture Prize , becoming the first Chinese citizen to receive the prize , BBC reported .

  19. 王澍的获奖,表明评委们认为他的作品代表了卓越设计的水平,而这对于中国的未来而言至关重要。

    The selection of Wang Shu reflects the jury 's view that his work represents that standard of excellence which will be so critical to China 's future .

  20. 今年49岁的王澍是第一位获此建筑界殊荣的中国建筑师,同时他还将获得10万美元奖金和一枚铜质奖章。

    Wang , 49 , is the first Chinese architect to receive the prestigious design honour , which comes with a $ 100,000 US grant and a bronze medal .

  21. 中国建筑师王澍,凭借其与周围环境以及当地文化相和谐的可持续化城市建筑设计,获得了今年的普利兹克建筑奖。

    Chinese architect Wang Shu , praised for creating sustainable urban design in harmony with its surroundings and local cultures , is the latest winner of the Pritzker Architecture Prize .

  22. 王澍是首位在中国从事建筑设计工作的普利兹克奖得主,他在一个汇聚历届得奖者和本土建筑师的论坛上表示,中国的城市已基本上被剥夺了昔日的独特性格与美丽。

    Mr Wang , the first China-based Pritzker winner , told a forum of previous laureates and local architects that Chinese cities had been largely stripped of their past distinctive character and beauty .

  23. 自然建造,是中国美术学院建筑艺术学院院长王澍教授重建当代中国本土建筑学学术指导思想的核心内容。

    Natural construction is the keynote of the idea " to reconstruct the contemporary Chinese local architecture " proposed by Prof. Wang Shu , the dean of School of Architecture , China Academy of Art .

  24. 王澍(1668&1743)是清代康熙、雍正、乾隆时期著名的一位书家,是清代中前期颇有影响的人物。

    Wang Shu ( 1668 - 1743 ) is a famous calligraphist of period of Kang Xi , Yong Zheng , Qianlong of Qing Dynasty , is a quite influential personage of earlier stage in Qing Dynasty .

  25. 世界互联网大会的永久场馆——乌镇互联网国际会展中心由中国首位普利兹克建筑奖得主、中国美院教授王澍领衔设计。

    The Wuzhen International Internet Convention Center , a permanent home for the World Internet Conference , was designed by Wang Shu , a professor at the China Academy of Art , winning a Pritzker Architecture Award .

  26. 王澍小时候居住在北京一条胡同的传统四合院里,他曾说起一本汇集20世纪早期北京老照片的书,他表示,那些照片显示,当年的北京比巴黎更美。

    Mr Wang lived in a traditional courtyard home in a Beijing lane as a child and he spoke of seeing a book of photographs of the city from the early 20th century showing a city more beautiful than Paris .