
  1. 论王稼祥外交思想的主要内容及其时代意义

    Study on Wang Jiaxiang 's Diplomatic Thought and Current Significance

  2. 论王稼祥对城市工作政策的思考和认识

    WANG Jia-xiang 's Ponderations on the Policy of City Work

  3. 王稼祥的个人素质及广泛的党际外交实践等四个方面加以论证。

    Wang Jia-xiang 's individual quality and his wide inter-party diplomatic practice .

  4. 王稼祥的党际外交思想述论

    A Study of WANG Jia-xiang 's Thinking on Inter-Party Diplomacy

  5. 论王稼祥对我国和平自主外交思想的贡献

    On Wang Jia-xiang 's Contribution to the Peaceful and Independent Diplomatic Thoughts of New China

  6. 王稼祥党际外交思想内容探析

    Wang Jiaxiang 's inter-party diplomatic ideas

  7. 历史不会忘记王稼祥同志对这一伟大转折所做出的伟大贡献。

    History witnessed the leaders'wise efforts , especially Wang Jiaxiang 's contribution to the great change .

  8. 新中国成立以后,王稼祥长期从事我国的外交工作。

    After New China was founded , Wang Jia-xiang was on the diplomatic work for a long time .

  9. 王稼祥是一位杰出的外交家,在党际外交方面贡献突出,思想丰富,主要包括党际外交的前提条件、基础、原则和目的等重要内容。

    WANG Jia-xiang was a brilliant diplomat , and his contribution to inter-party diplomacy was outstanding and intellectually rich .

  10. 王稼祥在抗日民族统一战线的形成、巩固、发展过程中做出了巨大的历史贡献。

    Wang Jia-xiang made great contribution to the formation , consolidation and development of the national united front against Japan .

  11. 第二部分:王稼祥党际外交思想中的科学思维方法及其形成中所遵循的原则。

    Part II : The scientific made of thinking and the formation of principle in Wang Jia-xiang 's inter-party diplomatic thoughts .

  12. 中华人民共和国成立后,王稼祥长期从事外交工作,在党际外交方面贡献突出,思想丰富,是一位杰出的外交家。

    After the founding of PRC , Wang Jiaxiang had been engaged to diplomatic work and a lot to inter-party diplomatic thought .

  13. 王稼祥关于城市工作的思想对于党的城市工作理论以及对于指导接管城市工作具有重要的意义。

    The city work though of Wang jiaxiang has the vital significance for the party ' scity work theory and the guide to take over the work .

  14. 前言部分:简要回顾了王稼祥的研究现状,指出对其党际外交思想的研究是一个薄弱环节。

    Preface : Reviewing briefly about the present studying conditions of Wang Jia-xiang , and pointing out it is a weak link in the study of Wang Jia-xiang 's inter-party diplomatic thoughts .