
  • 网络automated command system
  1. 基于移动Agent的分布式炮兵自动化指挥系统

    Distributed Artillery Command Automation System based on Movable Agent

  2. 炮兵群自动化指挥系统决策组织结构的Petri网建模与性能分析

    Petri Net Model and Performance Analysis of Artillery Automatic Command System Decision Organization Structure

  3. 数据仓库及其在自动化指挥系统中的应用

    Data Warehouse and the Application in the Automatic Command System

  4. 通信系统是军队自动化指挥系统纵横交错的神经网络。

    Communication System is a criss-crossing neural network automatically commanded by military .

  5. 根据国情及目前各相关单位分工状态,对战区自动化指挥系统加以论述,重点讨论直接承担指挥、控制武器发射的末级指挥通信系统。

    According to national situation in China , this paper illustrates theater automatic command system and emphasizes the last command communication system to directly command and control weapon launching .

  6. 本文从分析世界各国炮兵自动化指挥系统入手,结合目前部队的现状和训练情况,从理论上对实现阵地指挥与操作自动化进行了系统的分析。

    This article , from analyzing automatic command system of international artillery and combining the available situation and training condition of the Army , has analyzed the automatic position command and operation in theory .

  7. 经过三十多年的发展,公司在军品方面已成为国家在西南地区定点的××自动化指挥系统的科研生产基地,并逐步向多兵种数字化装备科研生产基地的目标发展。

    Pass by more than 30 years development , the company has become a fixed-point scientific research and production base of × × automation command system for military equipment in southwest region , and develop progressively facing the target to many combined arms .

  8. 电话报警排队交换机是应急C~3I自动化指挥调度系统的重要组成部分,它完成从覆盖全市的公众电话网上汇集来的报警信息送至指挥调度系统进行集中处理的功能。

    The telephone alarm queuing exchange is an important part of the urgent C ~ 3I automatic command and dispatch system , fulfilling the function of collecting alarm information from local PSTNs to the command and dispatch center for centralized Processing .