
  • 网络Self-image
  1. 这是略显古怪的一句格言,其实更加符合罗恩·韦恩的自身形象,而不是苹果公司。

    It was a rather odd motto , one that fit Wayne 's self-image more than Apple Computer .

  2. 英国作为所谓袖珍超级大国的自身形象长期以来一直是在自欺欺人;如今又得把裤腰带再扎紧点了。

    Britain 's self-image as a so-called pocket-superpower has long been a flimsy conceit ; now it will have still smaller pockets .

  3. 这个行业正在设法使自身形象更加吸引人。

    The profession is trying to sex up its image .

  4. 一项刊登在《哈佛商业评论》(HarvardBusinessReview)的研究发现,只有当女性不仅仅看重自身形象,而且还专注于自己的目的时,她们才有望提升自己的高管风范。

    In a study featured in the Harvard Business Review , researchers found that executive presence can only be improved if women focused not just on their style but also on their purpose & their reason for communicating .

  5. 大多数流行的动画角色,诸如Snoopy或Mickey,都是从连环画和电影起家的,渐渐被大众接受,才开始依靠自身形象赚钱的。

    Most popular characters , such as Snoopy or Mickey Mouse , started life in cartoon strips and films before going on to earn money from their image .

  6. 这些因素包括:患者年龄,性别,职业,修复原因,修复史,个性,对PFM修复的期望(对牙齿缺失、缺损的态度,PFM对自身形象的影响)等。

    These factors include patient 's age , sex , occupation , restore reason , history of restoration , personality , expectation for PFM ( attitude to teeth losing / damage , effect on their images ) ect .

  7. 作为自身形象的主宰者(取名Lorde是她本人的主意),她喜欢让事情简单明了和低调。

    And as the master of her own image ( going by the name ' Lorde ' was her idea ), she keeps things light and low-key .

  8. 作为自身形象的主宰者(取名“Lorde”是她本人的主意),她喜欢让事情简单明了和低调。

    And as the master of her own image ( going by the name ' Lorde ' was her idea ) , she keeps things light and low-key .

  9. 导入CIS,改变企业自身形象,改进产品质量,改善服务,从而达到提高企业在社会各界的知名度和美誉度,巩固和逐步扩大企业的市场份额,进而提高企业经济效益。

    Introducing CIS into enterprise , it helps change image of enterprise s own , to improve quality of product and service so that the enterprise will be known throughout the society and enlarge and exploit market s quotas step and step , then raise enterprise economic benefit .

  10. 护士长的自身形象对护理群体的影响

    Influences of Head Nurse 's Self Image to Nurses ' Group

  11. 她们关注自身形象的热情丝毫不逊于此,彼此之间在这方面的竞争也绝不含糊。

    Their self-care was no less zealous or competitive .

  12. 真诚是自身形象的一个关键部分。

    Sincerity is a critical part of your image .

  13. 通过音乐,我们能够建立并且预见自身形象。

    Through music we can build up and project an image of ourselves .

  14. 在此,企业可以完美展示自身形象,发布产品信息,快速获得业务增长。

    The enterprise can create image and product information to raise business quickly .

  15. 姜文的改编实践是他重塑自身形象的过程。

    The adaptation of Jiang Wen is a process that he rebuilds his figure .

  16. 我的好天使呀,我更好的自身形象!

    My good angle , my better self !

  17. 中国作为一个文明国家在提升自身形象方面已经做出了很大的努力。

    China has been making significant efforts to polish its image as a refined nation .

  18. 以期为媒体塑造自身形象,提高媒体公信力提供理论指导。

    Hope to provide theoretical guidance for the media improve their own image and the credibility .

  19. 译文质量的高低直接影响着学校的自身形象和宣传效果。

    The quality of the translation has a direct impact on the universities ' international image .

  20. 夺冠同样有助于意大利改善自身形象,还将促进出口。

    It would also help Italy to improve its image , which is good for exports .

  21. 第六,增强自身形象建设,拓展银行营销文化。

    And to build up the image of the bank , and to develop marketing culture .

  22. 超高层建筑在城市空间的主宰以其自身形象创造着引人注目的轮廓线。

    As the domination of city space , ultra high-rise building creat remarkable contour line with its own figure .

  23. 我可能太天真了,误入歧途,执迷于打造自身形象。

    I may have been naive and misguided , as I thought I was supposed to build my image .

  24. 改善服务环境和服务态度,提高机构自身形象和服务质量。

    Make the service environment and service attitude better , improve body image and quality of service . 6 .

  25. 了解喜欢八卦的人和他们言谈随意的原因,能帮助你维护自身形象。

    Being aware of gossip-mongers and the effect of their casual behaviour can help you keep your image intact .

  26. 由于制度完善,管理规范,干警从思想上深刻认识到自身形象的重要性。

    Due to the consummate system and canonical management , polices have deeply realized the importance of their image .

  27. 汽车业分析师认为,中国汽车厂商早年的不当举措给自身形象带来的损害,可能需要多年的时间才能修复。

    Industry analysts say the damage to Chinese carmakers ' image from their early missteps could take years to overcome .

  28. 她会要求阿里安娜•赫芬顿式的交易吗(换言之,她基本上是需要以自身形象重塑另一家公司吗)?

    Would she require an Arianna huffington-type deal , where she basically gets to reinvent another company in her own image ?

  29. 简而言之,杨宇丹建议,职场人士在与同事聊天时应该多注意自身形象。

    To summarize , Yang advises office workers to be more aware of the image they project when talking to colleagues .

  30. 广告能够提高品牌的知名度,能够塑造品牌产品自身形象,能够塑造品牌使用者形象以及塑造品牌厂商形象,此外,广告本身也可塑造品牌形象。

    Advertisements help raise brand notability and enhance the images of brand products , brand users , brand manufacturers and brand name .