
cái chǎn zé rèn
  • Property liability;property accountability
  1. 责任方式包括财产责任和非财产责任两种方式。

    Responsibility way universal property responsibility and non-property responsibility two ways .

  2. 民事责任主要是财产责任。

    Third , civil obligation has mostly been wealth obligation .

  3. 俄罗斯法上公共机构的财产责任问题

    Property liability of public institution in the Russian law

  4. 试论夫妻财产责任制度

    On the Responsibility System of the Property of Spouses

  5. 企业法人财产责任研究

    On Property Liability of Enterprise as a Person

  6. 赔偿制度和追偿制度的结合支撑起了较为完整的国家财产责任框架,但在看似完备的法律规定中却突显出了赔偿理论的不足。

    The combination of these two forms a fairly integrated system of the national compensation duty .

  7. 构建非原物返还类型的返还财产责任以不当得利的返还为中心。

    Construction of this type return of property liability needs to center the return of unjust enrichment .

  8. 在非财产责任方面,将停止侵权和消除影响两者同时适用于商标的反向混淆行为中。

    In the non property liability , stop the infringement and eliminate effects both applied to trademark confusion .

  9. 首先,先总结出返还财产责任统一的不要求过错这一要件。

    Firstly , to summarize the unity of return of property liability does not require this element of fault .

  10. 最后,通过系列案例分析验证了返还财产责任统一的理论。

    Finally , through analyzing a series of case I verifies the theory of return of property liability of unify .

  11. 在财产责任方面,主观上应当将无过错责任原则作为商标反向混淆行为的赔偿依据。

    In the property liability , subjectively , the compensation for trademark reverse confusion should base on the principle of no fault liability .

  12. 精神损害赔偿是在对精神损害不能恢复或者恢复确有困难时,对被害人所作的金钱赔偿,其本质是财产责任。

    The compensation is paid when the spiritual damage could not be restored or be difficult to restore , its nature is property duty .

  13. 民事责任的缺陷主要是财产责任承担不明确,责任追究制度不完善。

    The defect of civil liability system is mainly that the property responsibility is ambiguously taken and that the responsibility claim system is not perfect .

  14. 但与台湾法相比,我国大陆法中的侵权责任方式有很大的不同,除台湾法中的损害赔偿外尚有大量的非财产责任。

    C * But comparing to Taiwan 's civil law , there are a lot of modes of liability for tort except damages in the mainland civil law .

  15. 从企业发展的角度分析认为,产权结构、财产责任、经营能力和组织契约稳定性是促使企业制度形态更替的主要影响因素,使企业制度创新体系表现出间断创新和连续创新并存的特征。

    From the enterprise development of point of view , considering the structure of property right , etc , is the influence elements of enterprise institution innovation system .

  16. 债的性质从人身责任演变为财产责任,使债权让与具备了理论上的合理性和现实上的可行性。

    The character of debt has evolved from the personal duty to the duty of property , make the assignment have the rationality in theory and the practical feasibility .

  17. 非原物返还类型的返还财产责任主要指涉及金钱等经济利益的返还责任,准确地讲,其具体形式应为价值补偿。

    This type return of property liability mainly refers to the return of money and economic interests , accurately speaking , its concrete form should be the compensation in value .

  18. 新闻侵权发生后,新闻机构应当承担民事责任,既包括非财产责任,又包括财产责任。

    After the news tort happens , the news agency should bear civil liability . The liability includes both non-property liabilities , and the compensation liabilities for the property losses .

  19. 明确反向混淆的救济措施部分,从商标权人侵权责任承担角度将财产责任及非财产责任作较为详尽的分析,最后还对商标反向混淆侵权的赔偿数额计算方式作进一步探讨。

    This non-property responsibility in Part IV further elaborated on the basis of a more detailed analysis , and finally reverse confusion for trademark infringement damages amount calculated for further study .

  20. 现行《律师法》规定的国办所、合作所、合伙所三种组织结构,在产权制度、组织治理、财产责任上都存在弊端。

    The organizational structures of the state-owned , cooperative and partnership law firm , which are stipulated by the current law of lawyer , all have certain abuses in the institution of property right , organizational governance and property liability .

  21. 董事民事责任是董事在职务行为中因违反法定义务及公司章程、股东大会和董事会决议而承担的法律后果,主要是一种财产责任。

    Director 's civil liability is a kind of legal consequence which is produced by his breach of statutory obligation and regulation of board of directors and shareholder 's meeting in job-related performance , and it is mainly a kind of property liability .

  22. 传统民法理论认为,违约责任是一种财产责任,其制度功能是补偿,违约责任不应该包括具有惩罚性质的精神损害赔偿。

    The traditional civil law theories think on that the liability for breach of contract is a kind of property responsibility and its system function is compensation . So the liability for breach of contract should not include the compensation for moral damage .

  23. 论缺陷产品引发的财产损害责任之性质

    The Nature of Responsibility for Property Damage Caused by Flawed Products

  24. 保险在企业财产和责任风险管理中的应用研究

    Investigation on Risk Management in Property and Liability Insurance

  25. 资源配置与侵犯财产权责任制度研究&从资源配置的效果看侵犯财产权民事责任制度的设计

    The Allocation of Resource and Tort Liability on Property

  26. 机动车辆保险是我国财产与责任保险中最重要的险种之一。

    Motor vehicle insurance is one of the most important products of property and liability insurance .

  27. 但在没有财产风险责任的制约下,经理的经营行为和决策亦易于短期化,这也是晋商对经营者激励机制上的不足。

    But without resposibility for property , the managers ' operation and their decision-making were short-term .

  28. 虚拟财产侵权责任的构成要件是:违法行为、损害事实、因果关系和过错。

    The constructive requirements of the tortuous responsibility consist of the illegal act , the fact of damages , causality and fault .

  29. 统括保单指对同一法人位于不同地点的财产和责任进行统一承保的保单。

    A " master policy " was a policy that provided blanket coverage for the same legal person 's property and liabilities located in different places .

  30. 首先,作者介绍了美国商业保险的构成,即人寿保险、意外和健康保险、财产和责任保险。

    First , it introduces the formation of American business insurance , that is , life insurance , accident and health insurance , property and liability insurance .