
  • 网络Political form;political affairs
  1. 传媒政治形式的发展有着全球背景、技术发展和社会基础。

    Media politics has its global , technological and social basis .

  2. 论西方国家资本形式与政治形式的关系

    On the Relationship Between Capital Forms and Political Forms in Western Countries

  3. 市场明白,意大利的政治形式让第一点很难实现,而德国的政局情况则让第二点难以实现。

    The markets understand that Italian politics makes the first difficult , and German politics makes the second tough .

  4. 从这个意义上,你可以将帝国认作是这个新自由主义全球结构的恰当的政治形式。

    You might think of Empire in this sense as the adequate political form to the global regime of neoliberalism .

  5. 村民自治作为中国特色的农村基层政治形式,自1990年代以来逐渐成为国内外学者关注的热点。

    As a rural grassroots political form with Chinese characteristics , villager autonomy has increasingly attracted researchers ' interest since the 1990s .

  6. 藩镇割据是突出的政治形式,但与此同时,一个时期社会的起伏发展与各种政治势力的兴衰会促使国家行政管理体制发生变化。

    Military governor segmentation was extrusive politics form , but at the same time , societal undulate development and political force ebb and flow may cause country management system change .

  7. 罗马共和国(即罗马帝国的前身)是以城邦制发端的,但它后来推行对外扩张和中央集权政策,导致了城邦制作为一种政治形式在古代世界的终结。

    Rome , which began its republican history as a city-state , pursued policies of foreign expansion and government centralization that led to the annihilation of the city-state as a political form in the ancient world .

  8. 依我看,这样的国家将会有想像不到的简单的、容易接受的、经济的、受约束的、没有压迫的、公正的、和持久的政府&不管它的政治形式如何。

    It seems to me that such a nation would have the most simple , easy to accept , economical , limited , non-oppressive , just , and enduring government imaginable & whatever its political form might be .

  9. 马克思曾指出:现代历史著述方面的一切真正进步,都是当历史学家从政治形式的外表深入到社会生活深处时才取得的。

    Max regarded ' life ' as the first history activity of mankind , and further indicated that all real promote of modern time history writings was obtained when historians had been deepened from the surface of political form to the depth of social life .

  10. 战国时代是中国历史上政治形式最复杂、战争最频繁、价值观最多元的时代,相应地,也是策士谋臣们最活跃的时代,讽谏语也因此成为这个时代最引人注目的语言现象。

    The Period of Warring States is the time that has the most complicated political situation , the most frequent war , and the most pluralistic values in Chinese history . The plotters were active and the allegorical language became the striking linguistic feature in the time .

  11. 西欧国家的现代化进程也直接取决于该国的政治形式,否则工业革命应该首先发生在客观条件更优越的西班牙而不是英国,英国也难于取胜对法国的争霸战争。

    The success and failure of modernization in the Western Europe was also determined by political systems in different states , otherwise the Industry Revolution should have first occurred in Spain rather than in England , and England would not have defeated France in the hegemonic wars .

  12. 监管方式一般应与政治组织形式相适应。

    The regulatory mode is generally in accordance with political system .

  13. 当然,政府仍将是主要的政治组织形式。

    States , of course , will remain the dominant form of political organisation .

  14. 然而,这种一体化运动却遭到了民族国家这种政治结构形式的抵制。

    However , it is resisted by the structural form of nation-states in the world .

  15. 丰富和创新高校思想政治教育形式。

    To enrich and renovate the forms of ideological political education in colleges and universities .

  16. 涉黑涉毒涉枪的罪犯,是我国新的政治经济形式下所产生的新的罪犯类型。

    The criminals involved in gang , drugs or firearms are new ones appeared in the new situation of politics and economics .

  17. 共和国是通过公共权力来实现共和的政治组织形式,它建立在平等的公民身份基础上。

    The Republic , a political system that realizes the republic through public power , is based on the equality of citizenship .

  18. 最终,政党以政治革命形式推进国家的现代化建设,引发了革命式现代化这一路径方式同社会结构之间的冲突,从而形成了革命式现代化的悖论。

    Ultimately , national modernization construction promoted by political revolution by party leads to the conflict between revolution-style modernization with social structure .

  19. 这种新型的政治参与形式以其便捷性、高效性等特征而备受广大民众的喜爱。

    This new form of political participation is loved by the general public for its convenience , efficiency , and other characteristics .

  20. 但是,随着经济的迅猛发展以及人口的迅速流动,新的生活方式呼唤新的政治参与形式。

    But with the swift development of economy and rapid population mobility , the new life-style calls for new form for political participation .

  21. 这两种原则同时并存于每个民族共同体中,共同构成了一国基本的政治统治形式,源源不断的产生着国家决断的力量。

    These two principles are both existed in every political entity , forming the basic political structure in a state jointly and reproducing the strengths to decide .

  22. 在论证了民意表达与投票是很重要的政治参与形式后对美国的总统选举制度进行了阐述,并着重探讨了总统选举的程序、竞选资金和大众传媒与选举。

    After explaining the vote and expression are2 most important ways of political participation , we particularly studied the campaign finance resource and the mass media 's role in presidential campaign .

  23. 政治的形式与现代化的成败&历史上几个前现代化国家的经验比较港澳回归前后之政治体制比较研究

    The Political Systems and the Success and Failure of Modernization : A Comparative Study of Several Pre-Modernization States A Comparative Study of the Political Systems in Hong Kong and Macao before and after the Returns

  24. 自新中国成立后,由于特殊的国内外政治经济形式,我国确立了以重工业优先,快速赶超英、美的总体发展战略。

    Rehabilitative China was founded due to the special form of political economy at home and abroad , China has established a priority in heavy industry , to quickly catch up with Britain and the United States overall development strategy .

  25. 随着部队信息化建设的深入,军队网络文化逐渐成为军营文化建设的重要组成部分,在提高官兵的信息化素质和创新思想政治工作形式中发挥着重要作用。

    Along with the embedment of military informative construction , the military network culture becomes a necessary party of military culture construction and has very important effect on improving the stuff of officers and soldiers and innovating form of politics work .

  26. 自现代化以来,由于现代国家已不再是一架纯粹的靠强力和武力决定自己的政治组织形式,而是一个人们相互交往以不断寻求相互理解和取得价值共识的动态持续的合法化构建过程。

    Since the modernization , the modern state is no longer a politic organizational form only decided by force , but is a dynamic and sustained legalization building process in which people interacts to seek mutual understanding and obtain common value .

  27. 强国论坛侧重官方的公共领域,采用的是自上而下的下行政治参与形式,而天涯杂谈则偏重于自由的狂欢广场,它体现的政治参与形式更多的是自下而上的上行路线。

    The Forum of Make the Nation Strong places extra emphasis on official public domain , and adopts " top-down " political form of participation . While Skyline by-talk focuses on free " Carnival Square " which adopts " down-top " political form of participation .

  28. 后殖民理论强调西方对东方的话语权及经济、政治等形式的隐性压迫,这可以被解读为一种文明用其所能够采取的任何手段对另一种文明进行控制、统治,甚至是奴役。

    The theories of post-colonism emphasize the indirect oppression of the West on the East in terms of economy , politics , and the right of speech , which might be interpreted as a kind of measure used by one civilization to dominate or even enslave another .

  29. 本文首先论述了当代资本主义在生产力、生产关系、阶级结构、政治统治形式方面的新变化,变化的主要原因,及时当代资本主义新变化的客观评价。

    This text has expounded the fact at first that the contemporary capitalism rules the new change of the form in the productivity , relations of production , class ' structure , politics , the main reason changed , the objective appraisal of contemporary capitalist new change in time .

  30. 电影是再现政治的特殊形式。

    Film is a special form of the representational politics .