
  1. 政府性基金收入按规定专款专用。

    Revenue from government-controlled funds was used exclusively for its intended purposes .

  2. 具有税收性质的政府性基金或专项性收费

    Government funds and special charges of a tax nature

  3. 政府性基金征收制度主要包括征收主体和征收程序两个方面。

    The levy system of governmental fund mainly comprises of the levy subject and levy procedure .

  4. 港口建设费是由国家开征的专项用于水运基础设施建设的政府性基金。

    Port construction fee is a kind of government funds , which is imposed by the state earmarked for water infrastructure .

  5. 依法收取并纳入财政管理的行政事业性收费、政府性基金;

    The administrative fees and the governmental funds which are levied in accordance with the law and fall under the Treasury administration ;

  6. 新世纪评级称,当房地产行业繁荣时,广东省的政府性基金收入和支出均相应有所增长。

    In good times , a red-hot property market has boosted the provincial government 's income and enabled higher spending levels , the rating firm said .

  7. 系统研究政府性基金法律制度,应当围绕政府性基金法律制度的基本框架及其构建来进行。

    Therefore , the systematic research on the legal system of governmental fund should focus on the basic framework of its legal system and its related construction .

  8. 该评级机构称,2013年,广东省商品房销售额增长40%,该省的政府性基金收入和支出分别同比增长62%和55%。

    In 2013 , when home sales were up 40 % , Guangdong 's government revenue surged 62 % over the previous year while spending climbed 55 % , the rating firm said .

  9. 新世纪评级称,广东省经济增长对房地产市场具有一定的依赖性,并表示,该省房地产市场和土地市场将对该省政府性基金收入将产生一定影响。

    ' Guangzhou 's economic growth has a definite reliance on the property market , ' the rating company said . ' Fluctuations in the property and land markets will affect government income . '

  10. 全面编制中央和地方政府性基金预算,试编社会保险基金预算,完善国有资本经营预算制度。

    We will draw up budgets for all funds controlled by central and local governments , prepare budgets for social security funds on a trial basis , and improve the budget system for the use of state capital .

  11. 政府性基金法律制度的构建主要在于一般法律层面,并需在政府性基金法律制度体系内力求较好实现财政立法与经济立法、行政立法的耦合。

    The construction of the legal system in governmental fund mainly lies on the general law . The fiscal legislation should be well coordinated with the economic legislation and administrative legislation in the legal system of governmental fund .

  12. 非税收入中的行政事业性收费、政府性基金、国有资本收益和罚没收入等项目涉及到经济社会发展的各个领域,与人民群众的直接利益、现实利益密切相关。

    Some non tax income such as the administrative fees , government funds , state-owned capital gains and incomes from fines and confiscations and others relate to economic and social development in various fields , they are closely related to the interests of the people and the reality .

  13. 目前,延边州政府非税收入有行政事业性收费、政府性基金、国有资本经营收益、国有资源(资产)有偿使用收入、专项收入、罚没收入和其他收入。

    At present , Yanbian state government non tax revenue is administrative career sex collects fees , government funds , operational income of state-owned capital , state-owned resource ( asset ) is paid use income , special income , confiscated income and other income .

  14. 其中,政府会计核算主体可以大致包括行政单位、事业单位(指主要接受国家预算拨款的事业单位)、政府性基金。

    The accounting subject includes administrative institutions , public institutions ( mainly refers to institutions receive the national budget ), and government funds .