
zhèng biàn
  • coup;coup d'état;putsch;coup d' état
政变 [zhèng biàn]
  • [coup d' état;coup] 国家统治机构中的一部分人采取某种手段造成政权的突然变更

  • 军事政变

政变[zhèng biàn]
  1. 政变虽然流产,但是不久以后政府便垮台了。

    The coup failed but the government fell shortly afterwards .

  2. 他在1997年的军事政变中夺取了政权。

    He seized power in a military coup in 1997 .

  3. 政变的消息一传来,股票市场便暴跌。

    Stock markets plunged at the news of the coup .

  4. 政变结束了他的腐败统治。

    The coup brought his corrupt regime to an end .

  5. 总统在军事政变中被废黜。

    The president was deposed in a military coup .

  6. 总统在军事政变中被赶下台。

    The president was overthrown in a military coup .

  7. 政变上台的军政府接管了这个国家。

    A military junta took control of the country .

  8. 人们怀疑军方在策划政变。

    Military officers were suspected of plotting a coup .

  9. 他在军事政变中夺取了政权。

    He seized power in a military coup .

  10. 他显然以为一场军事政变正在酝酿中。

    He had apparently been under the impression that a military coup was in progress .

  11. 看起来不太可能会发生军事政变。

    A military coup seems unlikely

  12. 没有关于那次未遂的军事政变的记录。

    There is no record of the abortive military coup .

  13. 泰国1932年以来有18次政变或参加政变

    Thailand has had eighteen coups or coup attendance since nineteen thirty-two .

  14. 那君主被军事政变者废黜了。

    The monarch was ousted by a military coup .

  15. 4.imprisonvt.下狱,监禁Thecoupleaderscouldfacelifeimprisonment.政变领导人可能要面临终身监禁。这一法案规定任何犯下此罪的人都有可能被监禁。

    The Act states that anyone committing the offence is liable to imprisonment .

  16. 自2006年12月发生军事政变以来,该国一直在实行严厉的《公共场所紧急管制条例》(publicemergencyregulations),几乎没有放松过。

    Draconian public-emergency regulations have been in force , with few let-ups , since a military coup in December 2006 .

  17. n.政变拿破仑以政变的方式夺取政权。

    Napoleon seized power by a coup d'etat

  18. 乌菲耳德在一封电子邮件中说,他的研究是与“预先警报项目”(EarlyWarningProject)一起进行的,其结果表明,土耳其“非常不可能”出现政变。

    Turkey , said Mr. Ulfelder 's research , done in conjunction with the Early Warning Project , was a " very unlikely " candidate for a coup , he said in an email .

  19. 即使在土耳其发生未遂政变和法国尼斯遭遇恐袭后,约翰逊昨日抵达欧洲理事会(EuropeanCouncil)总部仍然吸引了在此汇聚的欧盟外交官的好奇心。

    Even after a Turkish attempted coup and the Nice attack , Mr Johnson 's arrival at the European Council headquarters yesterday still attracted curiosity from the bloc 's assembled diplomats .

  20. 玛蒂安娜指引我参观另一家为已故的阿卜杜勒纳苏蒂安将军(GeneralAbdulNasution)而建的博物馆。纳苏蒂安在1965年的政变中幸存下来,随后领导了镇压印尼共的行动。

    Ms Mardiana directs me to another museum dedicated to the late General Abdul Nasution , who having survived the 1965 coup led the fight to suppress communism .

  21. 2010年10月,在针对Twitter联合创始人、时任首席执行官埃文·威廉姆斯(EvanWilliams)的董事会政变中,科斯特罗成为首席执行官。

    Costolo became chief executive in October 2010 as part of a boardroom coup against Evan Williams , Twitter 's co-founder and then-chief executive .

  22. 他领导军队发动政变,推翻了伊德里斯(Idris)国王。

    He led a military while King Idris was away .

  23. 在政治预测领域工作的杰伊·乌菲耳德(JayUlfelder)开发了一个数学模型,这个模型将数据综合起来,预测国家发生政变的风险水平。

    Jay Ulfelder , who works in the area of political forecasting , has developed a mathematical model that synthesizes this data to predict a country 's level of risk .

  24. 在泰国,自军事政变驱逐了泰国前总理兼电信大亨他信西那瓦(thaksinshinawatra)以来,中国电信设备集团华为科技(huaweitechnologies)便陷入了困境。

    In Thailand , Huawei Technologies , the Chinese telecoms group , has run into difficulties since the military coup that ousted Thaksin Shinawatra , the former Prime Minister and Telecommunications mogul .

  25. 自从1984年独立领导AhmedSekouToure去世后发动政变,Conte就开始执政。

    He ruled Guinea since a 1984 coup that followed the death of post-independence leader Ahmed Sekou Toure .

  26. Huerta将军刚刚在一次政变中推翻Madero总统。

    General Victoriano Huerta had just overthrown President Madero in a coup .

  27. 空军战争学院教授纳乌尼哈尔·辛格(NaunihalSingh)是《夺权》(SeizingPower)一书的作者,该书讨论了政变为什么成功或失败,他在书中写道:成功的政变通常以“协调博弈”的形式进行。

    Successful coups tend to be waged as " coordination games , " Naunihal Singh , a professor at the Air War College , wrote in the book " Seizing Power , " which examines why coups succeed or fail .

  28. 左翼总统ManuelZelaya试图组织一场违宪的公投来让他连任,其后洪都拉斯发生军事政变。

    There was a military coup in Honduras after Manuel Zelaya , the leftist president , tried to organize an unconstitutional referendum to allow him to stand for a second term .

  29. 1961年,当朴槿惠9岁时,父亲朴正熙(parkchung-hee)通过军事政变掌权,开始了近20年的铁腕统治,其间韩国工业化以惊人的速度推进。

    She was nine years old when her father , park Chung-hee , seized power in a military coup in 1961 , the start of almost 20 years of iron rule that saw Korea industrialise at an astonishing pace .

  30. 为了让政变看起来不那么像政变,Huerta说服政府任命拉斯喀瑞为总统。

    To make his coup look less like a coup , Huerta convinced the government to appoint Lascurain president .