
shì tài yán zhònɡ
  • the situation is serious
  1. 事态严重。

    The situation is serious .

  2. 那个事件使他们意识到事态严重。

    The incident woke them to the gravity of the situation .

  3. 此次事态严重,我们将采取适当的法律补救措施。”

    This is a grave issue and we are taking appropriate legal remedial action . "

  4. 当事态严重时,真正的朋友还会支持你。

    When push comes to shove , only your true friends will still stand by you .

  5. 那个事件使他们意识到事态严重。他保持庄重威严的仪态。

    The incident woke them to the gravity of the situation . He preserved his grave and dignified bearing .

  6. 和银行一样,东电的假定是,如果事态严重恶化,政府总会充当后盾。

    Like the banks , TEPCO has assumed that , if anything goes badly wrong , the government will stand behind it .

  7. 只有当暴力发生时,我们才认为这个问题已经上升到了一个高度,也就是我们所说的“事态严重”了。

    It is only when an incident of physical violence occurs that we consider the problem to be elevated to a higher level .

  8. 他说道,当事态严重时,政治家通常会优先考虑城市,而不是农村,因为那里有着更多的选民。

    When push comes to shove , he says , politicians will always give priority to the cities over the countryside , since they are home to more voters .

  9. 一名好投手和一名优异的投手之间的差别……一个只能算是好投子的人在被打安打时会生气,会认为事态严重。

    The difference between a good pitcher and an excellent pitcher would be , well , a mere good pitcher would get upset and too serious if he gets hit .

  10. 例如,如果你和岳父不能相处和睦,可你不想让这个事态严重,那么在邀请他的同时再邀请其对方其他的亲戚。

    For example , if you don 't get along with your father-in-law but you don 't want to make an issue of it , invite other in-laws at the same time you invite him .

  11. 事态之严重一至于此!

    To think that things should have come to such a pass !

  12. 他们赶在事态更严重前救了他。

    They hurried to rescue him before it was too late .

  13. 事态最后严重到她不得不把Twitter账户设为不对外开放。

    Things apparently got so bad that she had to make her Twitter profile private .

  14. 政治家现在才认识到事态的严重性。

    Politicians are only now realizing the gravity of the situation .

  15. 颁发执照的官员说:她越过了身体接触的界限,事态很严重。

    Serious personal boundaries * were crossed , licensing officials concluded .

  16. 我当时没有立刻意识到事态的严重性。

    I did not immediately realize how serious the situation was .

  17. 然后我意识到了事态的严重性。

    It was then that I realized how serious this had become .

  18. 现在事态要严重恶化了。

    This is going to get much worse .

  19. 我们这里的事态很严重。

    We have a critical incident in progress .

  20. 你最好祈祷事态不严重

    You better hope it 's not serious .

  21. 鉴于日本与利比亚事态的严重性,这是可以理解的。

    Given the enormity of events in Japan and Libya , that is understandable .

  22. 比尔:他们为什么就没意识到事态的严重性呢?

    Bill : Why aren 't they are aware of the gravity of the situation ?

  23. 你一定得教他们了解事态的严重性。

    You must make them understand .

  24. 今天说出这句话,言路凭借第六感觉,感觉到事态的严重性。

    Today speak this sentence , their books on sixth sense , feel the seriousness of the situation .

  25. 他发觉她不在场时所感到的失望与事态的严重性远远不能相比。

    She was not there , and the discovery gave him a pang out of all proportion to its seriousness .

  26. 你犹豫不决的态度以及抑制不住的冷淡与事态的严重性完全不相称。

    Your irresolute attitude , coupled with your irrepressible sense of nonchalance simply is inappropriate to the seriousness of the situation .

  27. 律师们告诉我说,如果事态趋于严重,窃取国家机密可能是他们将要在法庭上面对的指控。

    Lawyers told me those are likely to be the charges they 'll face in court if it goes that far .

  28. 许多银行家仍难以接受事态的严重性以及不得不让政府出手相救的后果。

    Many bankers still struggle to accept the enormity of what happened , and the implications of having had to be rescued by governments .

  29. 我逐层检查,让大家出去,当我完成的时候,我真的没有想过事态的严重。

    I went floor to floor , got everybody out , and at the time I got done , I really didn 't think about it .

  30. 但是召回驻都柏林大使去参加在罗马举行的讨论会已经公开承认了事态的严重性。

    But by recalling its papal nuncio from Dublin in order to take part in consultations in Rome , it is publicly recognising the seriousness of the situation .