
  • 网络ministry
  1. 在圣经里,仆人(servant)和事奉者(minister)是同义词;服事和事工亦然。

    In the Bible , the words servant and minister are synonyms , as are service and ministry .

  2. 你在基督身体里的事工是什么?

    What will be your ministry in the Body of Christ ?

  3. 底特律福音事工教会(EvangelicalMinistriesChurch)高级牧师布鲁克斯(ChristopherBrooks)说,由于底特律人普遍生活困难,像百丽岛这样的概念开始时将受到敌意的对待。该机构有1500名成员。

    Christopher Brooks , senior pastor at the 1,500-member Evangelical Ministries Church in Detroit , said a concept like Belle Isle ' would initially be greeted with hostility because of the widespread suffering in Detroit .

  4. Gammage将分享他们在全世界各地的音乐和宣教事工。

    Gammage , will be with us to share their work and music mission all over the world .

  5. 为环球电台在中国的事工赞美主。

    Praise God for the work of TransWorld Radio in China .

  6. 同样地,教会里亦没有不重要的事工。

    Likewise , there are no insignificant ministries in the church .

  7. 鲍伯琼斯向来都是我们事工最好的朋友。

    Bob Jones has been a best friend of our ministry .

  8. 小而隐藏的事工往往发挥最大的功效。

    Small or hidden ministries often make the biggest difference .

  9. 在这样关键的时刻,本应是教会大力开展文宣事工的契机。

    Such critical moment is indeed a golden opportunity for media evangelism .

  10. 今天,数千个教会使用这个事工。

    Today the program is used in thousands of churches .

  11. 神给每个信徒属灵恩赐好用在事工上。

    God gives every believer spiritual gifts to be used in ministry .

  12. 对被不公正解雇一事工人们表示愤慨。

    The workers voiced their indignation at being unfairly dismissed .

  13. 愿上帝祝福你们和你们的事工。

    May you be blessed in your work and outreach .

  14. 但是我们却总是难以达到对事工哪怕只是自已的期待。

    But we don 't always meet even our own expectations for ministry .

  15. 在神的家中,他给你一个独特的角色,这叫作你的「事工」,是神给了你恩赐去做的。

    God has a unique role for you to play in his family .

  16. 所有花在批评别人的时间,都该用在事工上。

    Any time spent criticizing others is time that could be spent ministering .

  17. 中国教会圣经事工展在美巡回第一站,观众络绎不绝

    The Bible Ministry Exhibition of the Church in China

  18. 教导教会和机构如何在体育事工上携手合作。

    Teach churches and agencies how to work in unity through sports options .

  19. 能做众人的仆人,服事众弟兄姐妺,是何等美好的事工。

    What a wonderful presentation of the work of a minister for his people !

  20. 让我们所有的人为主在埃及的策略事工一同祷告。

    Let us all pray for the strategic work of the Lord in Egypt .

  21. 每一个事工都重要,因为我们都互相依赖才能发挥功效。

    Every ministry matters because we are all dependent on each other to function .

  22. 我极力推荐你的教会使用这样的事工。

    I highly recommend it for your church .

  23. 与各教会和机构合作的多项事工。

    Various functions cooperating with churches and organizations .

  24. 亲爱的牧师们:看到神的事工毁于不贞让我很伤心。

    Dear pastors , it breaks my heart to see ministries ruined by unfaithfulness .

  25. 与新马中信「青年品格塑造营」及「全人关怀团队」事工配搭。

    Work with CCM in Singapore and Malaysia in youth camp and care ministry .

  26. 善用你的特色是你在事工中能得着满足与果效的秘诀。

    Using your shape is the secret of both fruitfulness and fulfillment in ministry .

  27. 只要开始服事,你藉着投身事工来发掘恩赐。

    Just start serving . You discover your gifts by getting involved in ministry .

  28. 怎样表明了先知的事工正象盟约使者一样?

    How do they illustrate the service of a prophet as a covenant emissary ?

  29. 本港有两个基督教团体,负责推行基督教会的联合事工。

    Two ecumenical bodies facilitate co-operative work among the Protestant churches in Hong Kong .

  30. 尝试教导、组织、领导或演奏乐器或参与青少年事工。

    Try teaching or leading or organizing or playing an instrument or working with teenagers .