
  • 网络presumption of fact;factual presumption
  1. 其次,分析事实推定的理论基础。

    Secondly , we also analyze the theoretical basis of presumption of fact .

  2. 经验法则在事实推定中的运用

    The Rule of Thumb in Presumption of Fact

  3. 论事实推定与间接证据证明的关系

    On Relationship between Deduction from Facts and Identification by Indirect Evidence

  4. 论民事裁判中的事实推定的困境与出路&以南京彭宇案为视角

    On the Predicament of Fact Presumption in Civil Judgment and Its Way-out

  5. 事实推定的逻辑结构与运用方法

    The Syllogism in Presumption of Fact and Its Applications

  6. 论事实推定及其在民事诉讼中的适用

    Putative Reality and its Application in Civil Procedure

  7. 事实推定适用的条件是适用事实推定抑或适用证明责任裁判案件的界限;

    The requirements for the application of the presumption of fact lie in their application boundary .

  8. 学术界传统观点认为,按有无法律上的规定推定可以分为法律推定和事实推定。

    The traditional view in the academic circle classifies presumptions into legal presumption and actual presumption .

  9. 实际上,事实推定作为一种事实认定的方法,同法律推定作为一种推定有着一些深层次的不同,并非只是有无法律规定的问题。

    In fact , factual presumption as a way of identification is greatly deferent from legal presumption .

  10. 事实推定同利用证据进行证明一样,是诉讼证明的一种方法。

    Factual presumption is a method of proof in criminal proceedings , just like proof with evidence .

  11. 事实推定的逻辑基础

    Logic Foundation of Matter-of-Fact Inference

  12. 论事实推定的效力

    On Effects of Inferential Facts

  13. 事实推定可以降低证明的难度,可以有效打击犯罪。

    It may relieve the difficulty of proof so as to be conducive to cracking down on crimes effectively .

  14. 我国有关事实推定问题的法律规定相当匮乏,仅存在于司法解释当中。

    The relevant terms of presumption of fact in Chinese law is scarce , only found in judicial interpretation .

  15. 同时事实推定和法律推定在效力上、在具体程序设计上都应当区别加以分析。

    And fact presumption and legal presumption should be distinguished and analyzed in their effect and concrete procedure design .

  16. 无论事实推定还是法律推定其对裁判者认定案件事实都有强制适用性。

    Either the fact presumption or the law presumption has the compulsory applicability to the judges ' cognizance of the case .

  17. 在立法上,许多国家都明文规定事实推定可作为证明方式在民事诉讼上加以适用。

    In legislation , many countries regulated that fact asserting can be used as a method of proof in the civil lawsuit .

  18. 事实推定的三段论逻辑结构决定了它的基础事实必须达到甚至高于高度盖然性的证明标准,只有这样才能保证推定事实能够具有较高程度的盖然性。

    The structure of syllogism decides that the proving standard of basic fact must reach or exceed the " high probability " .

  19. 例如,盖然性学说运用优势证据或事实推定理论,可以使受害者更容易的解决因果关系问题。

    For example , using the theory of High degree of probability , the victims can solve the causal problem more easily .

  20. 一方面,事实推定的诸种局限带来了立法上的技术困难,造成了相关事实推定法则的缺失。

    On the one hand , it brought the difficult to the technology of legislation , and resulted in the flaw of fact presumption .

  21. 适用事实推定后,诉讼前分配好的证明责任不会发生转移,但提供证据责任将发生转移。

    After the application of the presumption of fact , the burden of proof will not shift , but the burden to provide evidence will .

  22. 由于适用主体水平的参差不齐及经验法则不一致,事实推定的适用缺乏稳定性。

    Because the level of judges are uneven and the rules of thumb are not consistent , the practice of presumption of fact lack of stability .

  23. 除此之外,笔者还将陪审团制度单独分析,因为陪审团制度对事实推定的适用有无可比拟的促进作用。

    In addition , the writer analyzed the jury system separately , because it is a very valuable system for the practice of presumption of fact .

  24. 但是,事实推定自身所存在的证明的不完全性和结果的或然性等局限,极大地阻碍了事实推定应有作用的发挥。

    However , the existence of incomplete form and probable result in fact presumption , have put an enormous hindrance to the function it should have .

  25. 民事诉讼中,事实推定作为法官认定案件事实的一种裁判方法,在司法实践中的应用范围比法律推定更为广泛。

    As a measure of judging the facts in issue , the presumption of fact is practiced more widely than presumption of law in judicial areas .

  26. 此外,正式通知理论允许行政机关依赖某些尚未通过对抗程序得到检验的事实推定。

    In addition , the doctrine of official notice allows agencies to rely on certain factual assumptions that have not been tested through the adversary process .

  27. 第二部分,论述占有效力的核心内容之一的事实推定效力。

    In the second sector , the effectiveness of the fact that presumption and protection , as the core elements of effectiveness of the possession will be studied .

  28. 在“实质真实”视角下,刑事诉讼中法律推定的适用需要满足一定的条件,事实推定则应禁止适用。

    From perspective of " substantial truth ", the application of legal presumption in criminal litigation needs to meet certain conditions , while fact presumption prohibits the application .

  29. 事实推定在民事审判中的良好运用,对于判断认定案件事实,定纷止争具有重要的现实意义。

    In the civil trial , the good use of presumption of fact is of immediate significance for judge to find the facts of the case and stop the conflicts .

  30. 事实推定的适用必然对证明责任产生影响,主要体现在主观证明责任的转移。

    The fact that the application of the presumption the burden of proof is bound to have an impact is mainly reflected in the transfer of the subjective burden of proof .