
  • 网络accident
  1. 本文对安全生产事故灾难应急管理系统进行研究。

    Emergency management system of accident disaster was studied in this paper .

  2. 事故灾难应对是政府危机管理的一个子领域,对其进行绩效评估研究有着重要理论意义。

    Accident management is a sub-field of government crisis management . A performance evaluation study on accident management may prove to be significant to crisis management theory .

  3. 危险货物运输突发事件(HMTE)属于事故灾难类研究范畴,是突发事件领域的重要组成内容。

    Hazardous Materials Transportation Emergencies ( HMTE ) are a category of disaster and incidents , its researches belong to emergency area .

  4. 城市事故灾难风险分析研究

    DISASTER CRISIS MANAGEMENT Research on the Risk Analysis of Urban Accidents

  5. 重庆主城排水系统突发事故灾难应急体系研究

    Study on Emergency Response Systems for Accident of Urban Drainage Systems in Chongqing

  6. 安全生产事故灾难应急管理系统研究

    Research on Emergency Management System of Accident Disaster

  7. 这样就可以有针对性地迅速采取应急措施,使得事故灾难能够得到最科学的处理。

    Like this , traffic emergency measures can be adopted rapidly to deal with accident disaster scientifically .

  8. 钻井事故灾难应急救援预案编制技术

    Establish / improve contingency plan for occupational-disease-inductive accidents . Techniques of Drawing up the Emergency Rescue Preplans for Drilling Accidents

  9. 从统计数据来看,举行大型社会活动常常发生各种事故灾难,因此如何在大型社会活动举办过程中进行风险管理就成为了一个重要的话题。

    Risk management is an important problem in massive activities since many accidents have occurred during large-scale social event statistically .

  10. 近年来,随着现代社会的高速发展。自然灾害、事故灾难、公共卫生和社会安全等领域的突发公共事件频繁发生。

    In recent years , with the rapid development of modern society , all kinds of public emergency events occur frequently .

  11. 近几年,随着国内突发事故灾难频发,媒体关于突发事故灾难的报道也越来越多,与之相关的议题也成为新闻学研究的一个热点。

    In recent years , with unexpected domestic accidents happening frequently , related media reports have become a hot topic in journalism research .

  12. 在我国,近年来自然灾害、事故灾难、公共卫生和社会安全等突发事件时有发生。

    In recent years , natural disasters , accident calamities , public sanitation events and social security event have often occurred in our country .

  13. 设计智能化事故灾难应急指挥系统的参考模型、参考构架及综合知识库等。

    Design and study on reference model , reference architecture and comprehensive knowledge library of intelligent accidents and calamities emergency response and command system . 4 .

  14. 自然灾害、事故灾难、社会安全暴露的不和谐问题,随时随地都存在爆发各种突发公共事件的可能性。

    For natural disasters , accidents , disasters , social security problems exposed disharmony , anywhere outbreak of the possibility of a variety of public emergencies is existed .

  15. 石油钻井是一项高投入、高风险的隐蔽性地下工程,每一作业环节出于自然或人为原因均有可能导致不同程度、形式各异的事故灾难。

    Drilling is an underground construction which has high investment and high risk . Every component of drilling work may lead to different kinds and different levels accidents .

  16. 随着现代化进程的日益演进,中国社会正步入危机四伏的风险社会,自然灾害、事故灾难、公共安全事件等重大突发性事件时有发生。

    With the process of evolution of modernization , Chinese society is entering a " risk society ": natural disaster , accident , public safety incident and other major public emergencies often occur .

  17. 然而,事故灾难的影响因素众多,并且大部分影响因素及其对事故的影响程度很难进行准确的量化,这正是模糊综合评判方法擅长解决的问题。

    However , influence factors of accident disaster are too many , and a majority of influence factors and influence degree are quantized difficultly , this problem is solved by fuzzy mathematics easily .

  18. 随着城市化进程加速,不断出现一些自然灾害、事故灾难、公共卫生、社会安全等领域的突发公共安全事件。

    With the acceleration of urbanization , it becomes the frequent phenomenon to emerge numbers of natural disasters , public health accidents , social security issues and other fields of emergency public crisis .

  19. 本文以所承担的陕西省示范项目:延长油田钻井事故灾难应急救援示范项目为背景,主要进行了以下几方面工作。

    The paper based on the background of the undertaken demonstration project of Shaanxi province : drilling accident and calamity emergency rescue demonstration project of Yanchang oilfield , mainly focused on the following aspects .

  20. 确定智能化推理在事故灾难应急指挥各阶段中的具体应用方法,设计易于实现的知识推理方案,突出本课题研究内容在符合行业特征等方面的优势。

    Determine the specific applications of intelligent reasoning at each stage of accident emergency response . Design specific and easy-implement knowledge reasoning schemas , highlighting the superiority of this study for industry features . 3 .

  21. 城市事故灾难风险分析是以城市整体为研究对象,涉及理、工、文、管多学科领域的城市安全管理重要内容。

    Risk analysis of urban accidents takes the whole city as the object of study ; it is an important component of urban safety management and a comprehensive disciplinary covering science , engineering , arts and management .

  22. 启动交通管制的前提可以概括为自然原因、严重危害社会治安秩序、事故灾难、道路专项维修或大修、执行警卫任务及其他突发事件6种情形。

    Traffic control is practiced on condition that there are natural courses , serious threats to public security , accidents or disasters , road maintenance or overhaul , implementation of guard duty , or other burst events .

  23. 当前我国正处于结构调整和社会转型中,存在着自然灾害、事故灾难、公共卫生事件和社会安全事件等各种各样的风险。

    Being in the period of the strategic adjustment of the economic structure and political restructuring , there are lots of natural risks , industrial accidents , public sanitary incidents , social crisis and other kinds of risks .

  24. 和平和发展是世界的两大主题,但局部战争和各类自然灾害、事故灾难、公共卫生事件、社会安全突发事件仍时有发生。

    Peace and development are the two main themes of the world , but local wars and kinds of natural disasters , Accidents disasters , disasters , public health , and social security incidents still occur from time to time .

  25. 构建科学、系统、高效的事故灾难应急管理系统对提高应急管理水平,有效地降低和摆脱由事故灾难带来的不利局面,保障安全生产具有十分重要的意义。

    It is important to construct the scientific , systemic and highly efficient emergency management system of accident disaster , which can improve emergency management , effectively reduce and get rid of the disadvantageous situation , and ensure safety work .

  26. 重大突发性事件是指突然发生,可能造成严重社会危害的自然灾害、事故灾难、公共卫生事件和社会安全事件,具有突发性、破坏性、复杂性等特征。

    Major emergencies is the sudden happened event , it may cause serious harm to society such as natural disasters , accidents , public health incidents or social safety incidents , with sudden , destructive , complexity and other features .

  27. 为此,综合利用现代通信和计算机网络技术,建立能够快速响应、有效决策的钻井事故灾难应急救援系统迫在眉睫。

    With regards to this , on the basis of comprehensive utilization of modern communication and computer network technology , it is imperative to establish a drilling accident and calamity emergency rescue system which could quickly response and effectively make decision .

  28. 近年来,根据突发事件的生成过程、事件特征以及形成机理等,主要将其分为自然灾害、事故灾难、公共卫生事件以及社会安全事件等四大类。

    In recent years , according to the generation of emergency events , characteristics , the forming mechanism , and failure events can be divided into four groups including natural disasters , accidental disasters , public health events and social security events .

  29. 目前我国正处在经济转轨和社会转型期,面临的矛盾错综复杂,加上自然灾害、事故灾难、公共卫生和社会安全暴露的不和谐问题,随时随地都存在爆发各种突发事件的可能性。

    During the turning period of economic and social transition , China is facing complicated contradictions . The complicated contradictions as well as natural calamities , accident disasters , public health and security problems result in high probability of unexpected public emergency events .

  30. 首先分析了四大风险类型,即自然灾害类、事故灾难类、公共卫生事件类、社会安全事件类,这基本上包括现阶段中国面临的主要社会风险类型。

    First , it analyses four major kinds of risk , which are natural calamities problem , accidental disasters problem , public hygiene problem , social securities problem , the four major kinds of problem include by large faced social risk in China at present .