
  • 网络violent criminal event
  1. 截止到目前,芝加哥今年已有40名儿童死于暴力犯罪事件。

    Forty children have been killed in violent crimes across the city of Chicago so far this year .

  2. 除了飓风、暴力犯罪事件等带来的直接伤害,学校的糟糕情况等一系列其他问题更是雪上加霜。

    In addition to losses due directly to the storm , violent crime , poor schools and other problems have piled trauma atop trauma .

  3. 他们今天都已在纪念仪式中被入土为安,市长大声疾呼称对发生暴力犯罪事件“受够了”。

    They were all laid to rest today during emotional services that included the mayor of the city shouting " enough is enough " when it comes to violent crimes .

  4. 此次暴力犯罪事件发生地&人民广场附近的公交站点被紧急取消。多数处于案发地带的商店停止营业直到周一晚上。

    Bus stations near the People ` s Square , where the riot started , were cancelled . Most shops in areas where the violence occurred remained closed as of Monday night .