
  1. 研究表明石Ch的发生是多种因素综合作用的结果。

    Studies showed that the onset of SLE was a result of comprehensive effects of multi - factors .

  2. COPD合并骨量低下甚至骨质疏松是多种因素综合作用导致,其中尤以吸烟指数增高、气流受限程度加重的影响较为明显。

    COPD combined with osteoporosis was the result of a combination of factors , especially higher smoking index 、 severity of airflow limitation were more obvious impact .

  3. 煤中矿物质对CWS性质的影响,是多种因素综合作用的结果,溶出离子的种类和数量只是其中的重要因素之一。

    The effect of mineral matters in coals on CWS properties is an integrated result of many factors , and the kind and amount of dissolved inorganic ions are only some of the important factors .

  4. 因此,低氧时心肌细胞凋亡的产生是多种因素综合作用的结果,Bcl-2家族蛋白、线粒体通透性改变、细胞色素c的释放以及caspases的活化等参与了低氧引起的心肌细胞凋亡的调控。

    Therefore , cardiac myocytes apoptosis induced by hypoxia are the result of multi-factors interaction . Many factors , such as Bcl-2 family proteins , mitochondrial permeability transition , cytochrome c release and caspases activation , are involved in hypoxic cardiomyocytes apoptotic regulation .

  5. 现代医学研究证实,RRTI是多种因素综合的结果,其中免疫、微量元素等因素是近年来主要研究对象,并与小儿体质类型密切相关。

    Modern medical research has confirmed that RRTI is the result of many factors , immunity , trace elements and other factors are the main subject in recent years , and closely related to the type of physical fitness in children .

  6. 神经损伤修复是多种因素综合作用的复杂过程。

    Injured nerve repair is a complicated process involving comprehensive factors .

  7. 转轮叶片裂纹是多种因素综合作用造成叶片材料疲劳,导致叶片疲劳开裂。

    A lot of factors made the fatigue cracks in runner blades .

  8. 而翻译目的又受多种因素综合影响。

    However , translation purpose is also conditioned by many other factors .

  9. 信仰建设是一个多种因素综合作用的过程;

    Belief in constructions is a process in which varied factors interact comprehensively ;

  10. 气象学家认为多种因素综合引起了如此温暖的冬天。

    Meteorologists say the warm spell is due to a combination of factors .

  11. 稻谷裂纹的形成和扩展是多种因素综合作用的结果。

    Rice fissure formation is due to the comprehensive effect of manifold causes .

  12. 事实上,企业从事多元化经营的决策是多种因素综合驱动的结果。

    Actually the decision of engaging in diversification is drove by many factors .

  13. 车辆脱轨大多数情况是多种因素综合作用的结果。

    Generally , derailment of vehicle occurs as a result by many factors .

  14. 多种因素综合作用,构成商业银行创值活动的主要内容。

    Various factors affect each other and perform the main content of value-creations activity .

  15. 肺癌的发生发展,是多种因素综合影响,共同作用的结果。

    The development of lung cancer is the result of a variety of factors .

  16. 在地方政府筹集收入的过程中,财政收入会受多种因素综合影响。

    In the process , the revenue will be affected by a variety of factors .

  17. 重型矿用汽车制动过程是工况复杂的多种因素综合作用的过程。

    Breaking of heavy mine-vehicle is a complicated course and is whunced by many factors .

  18. 30年代左翼文学的形成是多种因素综合作用的结果,它的发展也从整体上呈现出丰富性和多样性。

    The leftist literature in 1930s is rich because its taking shape depends on many factors .

  19. 松散砾石土斜坡滑坡是在以降雨为主导因素的多种因素综合作用下发生的。

    The gravel slope landslide is inspired by many factors of which the rainfall is the dominant .

  20. 草原群落蒸发蒸腾是一个由多种因素综合影响的复杂问题。

    The evaporation and transpiration of the steppe communities is a complex problem influenced by many factors .

  21. 跨国公司进入国外市场的方式是多个层面多种因素综合作用的结果。

    The choice of market entry mode of MultiNational Corporations is impacted by many factors in multi-levels .

  22. 浮游植物生长是温度、盐度、湍流作用等多种因素综合作用的结果。

    The phytoplankton growth is the result of multiplex factors including temperature , salinity and turbulent effect .

  23. 从本质上讲,经济增长是一个多种因素综合作用的动态的社会再生产过程,单个因素只能在某个特定的历史时期起主要作用。

    In essence , the economic growth is a dynamic social reproduction process based on various factors .

  24. 斯巴达的衰落是自然灾害、战争和体制问题等多种因素综合作用的结果。

    Disasters , wars and the problems of systems and other factors resulted on the decline of Sparta .

  25. 从宏观上看,锈裂破坏是混凝土施工质量差、设计不足和环境等多种因素综合影响的结果。

    From macrocosm , it is the synthetic effect of poor construction quality , improper design and environment .

  26. 将多种因素综合为单一参数,即所谓经验指标;

    ( 2 ) Evaluation depending on an experiential index , which is a combination of many physical factors ;

  27. 同时,缓和外交的衰落也足多种因素综合作用的结果。

    At the same time , the decline of detente is also the results of a combination of factors .

  28. 但绝大部分阿尔茨海默病病例属于散发型,由包括遗传因子和环境条件在内的多种因素综合作用导致疾病的发生和发展。

    However , most of AD cases are sporadic and result from heterogeneous causes , including genetic and environmental factors .

  29. 教学和考试的价值导向,应以新教科书所要求的学生全面素质的发展为方向。3.多种因素综合起来影响教师认识和使用新课标教科书。

    The value-oriented of teaching and exam-oriented should be requested by the overall quality of students ' development . 3 .

  30. 春秋战国时期是中国传统社会成文法兴起的阶段,成文法兴起是社会多种因素综合作用的结果。

    Both Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period are the moment when the Chinese traditional written law rose .